Advisory Archive: PoC Archive:
Luigi Auriemma
Application: Iconics GENESIS32 and GENESIS64 Versions: GENESIS32 <= 9.21 GENESIS64 <= 10.51 GenBroker.exe and GenBroker64.exe are the same version on both the softwares: Date: 21 Mar 2011 (found 08 Jan 2011) Author: Luigi Auriemma e-mail: web:
=============== 1) Introduction ===============
Iconics Genesis is a SCADA HMI solution used worldwide with customers that go from Beijing Traffic Control Center to the Pentagon and even Poste Italiane ("Case Studies" source).
Informations from the vendor's website: "GENESIS32™ is the industry’s first and only fully scalable suite of OPC, SNMP, BACnet and Web-enabled HMI and SCADA applications."
Freeing of Arbitrary Memory:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by multiple freeing of initialized memory pointers and arbitrary locations because: - the functions that store the strings pointers read from the client automatically break the reading loop when the end of the packet is reached - these functions use malloc instead of calloc so the memory is not cleared - the functions that free the arrays don't know if and when the reading process stopped and so they call free() over all the elements specified by the attacker in his packet
The exploitability of these vulnerabilities depends by how the attacker has corrupted the memory for forcing the freeing of arbitrary locations through the sending of valid packets before the malformed one. The service is multi-thread so there are many chances of exploitation.
The following is the full list of vulnerable opcodes and the read/free functions to monitor (referred to version 9.2):
1) opcode 0x4b0: read loop: 0044ACC0 and 0044AD04 free loop: 004446B0
2) opcode 0x4b2: read loop: 0044B360 free loop: 004428F0
3) opcode 0x4b5: read loop: 0044C560 free loop: 00443090
4) function 0044C6B0 used by opcodes 0xDAE and 0xDB0. read loop: 0044c800 free loop: 00443160
5) opcodes 0x1BBC and 0x1BBD: read loop: 0044ca90 free loop: 004432a0
=========== The Code ===========
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcodes 3f0, 138F,1390,1391,1392,1393, 1394, 1C86, 89a,89b, 450,451,454,455, 1C20,1C24 that make use of the function 0044d1c0.
The problem is caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: the format of the packets depend by the relative opcodes, the function 0044d1c0 reads a 32bit before the one used for the allocation.
Vulnerable code: 0044D2A2 |. E8 C99EFCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044D2A7 |. 8D4424 1C LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+1C] 0044D2AB |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044D2AC |. 8BCE MOV ECX,ESI 0044D2AE |. E8 BD9EFCFF CALL 00417170 0044D2B3 |. 8B4C24 10 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10] 0044D2B7 |. 8D14CD 000000>LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*8] ; * 8 0044D2BE |. 52 PUSH EDX 0044D2BF |. E8 F49E0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 1 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x453 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string string string 32 32 32 16 32 32 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044BEB5 |. E8 B6B2FCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044BEBA |. 8B03 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 0044BEBC |. 3BC5 CMP EAX,EBP 0044BEBE |. 76 56 JBE SHORT 0044BF16 0044BEC0 |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044BEC3 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044BEC4 |. FF15 98FA8400 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR71.malloc>] ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 2 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by three integer overflow vulnerabilities during the handling of the opcode 0x4b0 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of some arrays trusting the numbers of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 malloc(x * 4) ... 32 malloc(x * 4) ... 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044AC26 |. E8 45C5FCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044AC2B |. 8B45 00 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP] 0044AC2E |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044AC31 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044AC32 |. E8 81C50500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc ... 0044AC95 |. 8B47 28 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+28] 0044AC98 |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044AC9B |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044AC9C |. C74424 20 020>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20],2 0044ACA4 |. E8 0FC50500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc ... 0044ACE9 |> 8B47 30 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+30] 0044ACEC |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044ACEF |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044ACF0 |. E8 C3C40500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 3 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x4b2 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of some arrays trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044B2E9 |. 8B17 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] ; get 32bit 0044B2EB |. C1E2 02 SHL EDX,2 ; * 4 0044B2EE |. 52 PUSH EDX 0044B2EF |. 8947 08 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+8],EAX 0044B2F2 |. E8 C1BE0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc 0044B2F7 |. 8947 0C MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+C],EAX 0044B2FA |. 8B07 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 0044B2FC |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044B2FF |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044B300 |. E8 B3BE0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc 0044B305 |. 8B0F MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 0044B307 |. C1E1 03 SHL ECX,3 ; * 8 0044B30A |. 51 PUSH ECX 0044B30B |. 8947 10 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+10],EAX 0044B30E |. E8 A5BE0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc 0044B313 |. 8B17 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 0044B315 |. C1E2 02 SHL EDX,2 ; * 4 0044B318 |. 52 PUSH EDX 0044B319 |. 8947 14 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+14],EAX 0044B31C |. E8 97BE0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 4 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x4b5 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string 32 32 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044C538 |. E8 33ACFCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044C53D |. 8B45 00 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP] 0044C540 |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 0044C542 |. 76 6C JBE SHORT 0044C5B0 0044C544 |. 8D1485 000000>LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4] ; * 4 0044C54B |. 52 PUSH EDX 0044C54C |. FF15 C0FF8400 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&ole32.CoTaskMemAlloc>] ; ole32.CoTaskMemAlloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 5 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x7d0 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string string 32 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044A44C |. E8 1FCDFCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044A451 |. 8B03 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 0044A453 |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 0044A455 |.^ 74 C2 JE SHORT 0044A419 0044A457 |. 8D0C85 000000>LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4] ; * 4 0044A45E |. 51 PUSH ECX 0044A45F |. E8 54CD0500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 6 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcodes 0xdae and 0xdb0 that make use of the function 0044C6B0 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Vulnerable code: 0044C7C8 |. E8 A3A9FCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044C7CD |. 8B07 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 0044C7CF |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 0044C7D1 |.^ 74 C5 JE SHORT 0044C798 0044C7D3 |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044C7D6 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044C7D7 |. E8 DCA90500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc 0044C7DC |. 8B0F MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 0044C7DE |. C1E1 02 SHL ECX,2 ; * 4 0044C7E1 |. 51 PUSH ECX 0044C7E2 |. 8947 04 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+4],EAX 0044C7E5 |. E8 CEA90500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
Remote Integer Overflow:
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 7 SERVER
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0xfa4 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: 32 malloc(x * 8)
Vulnerable code: 0044495D |. E8 0E28FDFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 00444962 |. 8B07 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 00444964 |. 3BC5 CMP EAX,EBP 00444966 |.^ 76 C7 JBE SHORT 0044492F 00444968 |. 8D14C5 000000>LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*8] ; * 8 0044496F |. 52 PUSH EDX 00444970 |. E8 43280600 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 8 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0xfa7 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 00444B0D |. E8 5E26FDFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 00444B12 |. 8B07 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI] 00444B14 |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 00444B16 |.^ 76 C1 JBE SHORT 00444AD9 00444B18 |. 8D1485 000000>LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4] ; * 4 00444B1F |. 52 PUSH EDX 00444B20 |. E8 93260600 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 9 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcodes 0x1BBC and 0x1BBD caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string 32 string string string 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 0044CA69 |. E8 02A7FCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044CA6E |. 8B03 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 0044CA70 |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 0044CA72 |. 76 6C JBE SHORT 0044CAE0 0044CA74 |. C1E0 02 SHL EAX,2 ; * 4 0044CA77 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044CA78 |. E8 3BA70500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 10 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x1C84 caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: string string 32 32 malloc(x * 16)
Vulnerable code: 0044CBE2 |. E8 89A5FCFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 0044CBE7 |. 8B03 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 0044CBE9 |. 3BC5 CMP EAX,EBP 0044CBEB |. 76 3C JBE SHORT 0044CC29 0044CBED |. C1E0 04 SHL EAX,4 ; * 16 0044CBF0 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0044CBF1 |. E8 C2A50500 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 11 SERVER
Remote Integer Overflow:
====== Bug ======
GenBroker is a Windows service running on port 38080.
The addresses and code snippets reported here are referred to GENESIS32 9.2.
The service is affected by an integer overflow vulnerability during the handling of the opcode 0x26ac caused by the allocation of the memory needed for the creation of an array trusting the number of elements passed by the client.
The resulting memory corruptions (like direct registry calls, memory locations calls, writing of data in arbitrary locations and so on) allow code execution.
Fields in the packet: 32 malloc(x * 4)
Vulnerable code: 00445AC7 |. E8 A416FDFF CALL 00417170 ; get 32bit 00445ACC |. 8B03 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 00445ACE |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 00445AD0 |.^ 76 BE JBE SHORT 00445A90 00445AD2 |. 8D1485 000000>LEA EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4] ; * 4 00445AD9 |. 52 PUSH EDX 00445ADA |. E8 D9160600 CALL <JMP.&MFC71U.#265> ; malloc
=========== The Code ===========
genesis_iof 12 SERVER
====== 4) Fix ======
No fix.