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来源:vlabs.c@gmail.com 作者:Velan 发布时间:2010-03-18  

 *   Copyright (C) 2010 by Velan.   *
 *   vlabs.c@gmail.com  *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
// 0.0.5 - included ethernet header, modified ARP header, changing APR processing by including ntohs; etc
// dependencies - libpcap -> tcpdump.org
// compilation - g++ arp_sniff.cc -o arp_sniff -lpcap -w

#include <config.h>

//#include <iostream>
//#include <cstdlib>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

//#include <features.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>

#include <pcap.h>

using namespace std;

void List_Devices();
void Sniff_Device(char *Device);
void Got_ARP_Packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet);

 // Ethernet header
typedef u_int32_t tcp_seq;


main(int argc, char *argv[])
 //printf("Shellcode detector. \n");
 char *ArgDevice;
 ArgDevice = (char*)malloc(256);
 bzero(ArgDevice, 256);

 printf("Sniffer Lite. by Velan. vlabs.c@gmail.com\nThis module contains the ARPSniffer.\n");
 if(argc < 2)
  printf("\nUsage: %s [ld] [device name]\narg\t\tfunction\n", argv[0]);
  printf("-l\t\tlisting available devices\n");
  printf("-d\t\tuse default device\n");
 else if(strncmp(argv[1], "-l", 2) == 0)
 else if(strncmp(argv[1], "-d", 2) == 0)
  printf("Selecting default device. ");
  snprintf(ArgDevice, 3, "%s", "-d");
 else if(argc == 2 && strncmp(argv[1], "-l", 2) != 0 && strncmp(argv[1], "-d", 2) != 0)
  snprintf(ArgDevice, 256, "%s", argv[1]);

void List_Devices()
 pcap_if_t *All_Devices_SP, *d;
 int ret = 0;
 char pcap_errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];

 printf("Listing available devices.\n");
 ret = pcap_findalldevs(&All_Devices_SP, pcap_errbuf);
 if(ret == -1)
  printf("Error in looking up all available devices. %s\n", pcap_errbuf);
 for(d = All_Devices_SP; d; d = d->next)
  printf("%s\t\t%s\n", d->name, d->description);


void Sniff_Device(char *Device)
 char *dev = NULL;
 char pcap_errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
 const u_char *packet = NULL;
 int ret = 0, i = 0;
 unsigned int ts = 0;

 pcap_t *pcap_handle;
 bpf_u_int32 pcap_device_mask;
 bpf_u_int32 pcap_device_ip;
 struct pcap_pkthdr header;
 struct bpf_program filter;
 dev = (char*) malloc(256);
 if(strncmp(Device, "-d", 2) == 0)
  dev = pcap_lookupdev(pcap_errbuf);
  printf("Default device: %s, ", dev);
  snprintf(dev, 256, "%s", Device);

 if(dev == NULL)
  printf("Error in looking up default device. %s\n", pcap_errbuf);
 ret = pcap_lookupnet(dev, &pcap_device_ip, &pcap_device_mask, pcap_errbuf);
 if(ret == -1)
  printf("Error in lookup device. %s\n", pcap_errbuf);
 printf("opening the device %s for sniffing\n", dev);

 // print sniffing IP - start
 ts = pcap_device_ip;
 ts = (ts << 24) >> 24;
 printf("Sniffing device IP: %u.", ts);

 ts = pcap_device_ip;
 ts = (ts << 16) >> 24;
 printf("%u.", ts);

 ts = pcap_device_ip;
 ts = (ts << 8) >> 24;
 printf("%u.", ts);

 ts = pcap_device_ip;
 ts = (ts >> 24);
 printf("%u, ", ts);
 // print sniffing IP - end

 // print sniffing IP Mask - start
 ts = pcap_device_mask;
 ts = (ts << 24) >> 24;
 printf("Mask: %u.", ts);

 ts = pcap_device_mask;
 ts = (ts << 16) >> 24;
 printf("%u.", ts);
 ts = pcap_device_mask;
 ts = (ts << 8) >> 24;
 printf("%u.", ts);

 ts = pcap_device_mask;
 ts = (ts >> 24);
 printf("%u\n", ts);
 // print sniffing IP Mask - end

 pcap_handle = pcap_open_live(dev, 1000, 0, 10000, pcap_errbuf);
 if(pcap_handle == NULL){ printf("Error!\n"); }

 pcap_compile(pcap_handle, &filter, "arp", 1, pcap_device_mask); // create filter to grab only ARP
 pcap_setfilter(pcap_handle, &filter);    // apply the filter to the handle
 pcap_loop(pcap_handle, -1, Got_ARP_Packet, NULL);  // -1 means unlimited packet

void Got_ARP_Packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)

typedef struct EthernetHeader_StructMain{
 u_char DestinationMACAddress[6];
 u_char SourceMACAddress[6];
 u_short Type;
}Struct_EthernetHeader;     // 14 bytes

typedef struct ARPHeader_StructMain{
 u_int16_t HardwareType;    // hardware type
 u_int16_t ProtocolType;    // protocol type

 u_char HardwareAddressLength;   // harware address length
 u_char ProtocolAddressLength;   // protocol address length
 u_int16_t Opcode;    // opcode - request, reply, re request

 u_char SourceHardwareAddress[6];  // source MAC address
 u_char SourceProtocolAddress[4];  // source IP address
 u_char DestinationHardwareAddress[6];  // target MAC address
 u_char DestinationProtocolAddress[4];  // target IP address
}Struct_ARPHeader;     // 28 bytes

 unsigned int ts = 0, j = 0 ;
 u_int16_t HardwareType_Host = 0, ProtocolType_Host = 0, Opcode_Host = 0;
 u_char HardwareAddressLength_Host = 0, ProtocolAddressLength_Host = 0;

 Struct_EthernetHeader *EthernetHeader = NULL;
 Struct_ARPHeader *ARPHeader = NULL;
 bzero(&EthernetHeader, sizeof(Struct_EthernetHeader));
 bzero(&ARPHeader, sizeof(Struct_ARPHeader));
 EthernetHeader = (Struct_EthernetHeader *) packet;
 ARPHeader = (Struct_ARPHeader *) (packet+14);

 HardwareType_Host = ntohs(ARPHeader->HardwareType);
 ProtocolType_Host = ntohs(ARPHeader->ProtocolType);
 Opcode_Host = ntohs(ARPHeader->Opcode);

 HardwareAddressLength_Host = ARPHeader->HardwareAddressLength;
 ProtocolAddressLength_Host = ARPHeader->ProtocolAddressLength;

 // print Ethernet header - 14 bytes - start

 printf("Ethernet packet - Frame II: ");
 // print source MAC address
 for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
  //printf("(%u, %02X)", ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j], ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j]);
  printf("%02X", EthernetHeader->SourceMACAddress[j]);
  if(j != 5){ printf(":"); }
 printf(" > ");
 // print destination MAC address
 for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
  //printf("(%u, %02X)", ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j], ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j]);
  printf("%02X", EthernetHeader->DestinationMACAddress[j]);
  if(j != 5){ printf(":"); }
 // print Ethernet type
 printf(", Type: 0x%X", ntohs(EthernetHeader->Type));

 // print Ethernet header - 14 bytes - end


 // print ARP header - 28 bytes - start

 printf("ARP Header: ");
 // print source ip address
 for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  printf("%d", ARPHeader->SourceProtocolAddress[j]);
  if(j != 3){ printf("."); }
 printf(" > ");
 // print target ip address
 for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
  printf("%d", ARPHeader->DestinationProtocolAddress[j]);
  if(j != 3){ printf("."); }
 printf("MAC: ");

 // print source hardware address
 for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
  //printf("(%u, %02X)", ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j], ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j]);
  printf("%02X", ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[j]);
  if(j != 5){ printf(":"); }
 printf(" > ");
 // print target hardware address
 for(j = 0; j < 6; j++)
  printf("%02X", ARPHeader->DestinationHardwareAddress[j]);
  if(j != 5){ printf(":"); }

 //print hardware type - start
 printf("Hardware type: ");
 if(HardwareType_Host == 0)
 { printf("Reserved"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 1)
 { printf("Ethernet"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 2)
 { printf("Experimental Ethernet"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 3)
 { printf("Amateur Radio AX25"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 4)
 { printf("Proteon ProNET Token Ring"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 5)
 { printf("Chaos"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 6)
 { printf("IEEE 802"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 7)
 { printf("ARCNET"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 8)
 { printf("Hyperchannel"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 9)
 { printf("Lanstar"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 10)
 { printf("Atuonet Short Address"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 11)
 { printf("LocalTalk"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 12)
 { printf("LocalNet (IBM PCNet or SYTEK LocalNET)"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 13)
 { printf("Ultra link"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 14)
 { printf("SMDS"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 15)
 { printf("Frame Relay"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 16)
 { printf("ATM, Asynchronous Transmission Mode"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 17)
 { printf("HDLC"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 18)
 { printf("Fibre Channel"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 19)
 { printf("ATM, Asynchronous Transmission Mode"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 20)
 { printf("Serial Line"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 21)
 { printf("ATM, Asynchronous Transmission Mode"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 22)
 { printf("MIL-STD-188-220"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 23)
 { printf("Metricom"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 24)
 { printf("IEEE 1394.1995"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 25)
 { printf("MAPOS"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 26)
 { printf("Twinazial"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 27)
 { printf("EUI-64"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 28)
 { printf("HIPARP"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 29)
 { printf("IP and ARP over ISO 7816-3"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 30)
 { printf("ARPSec"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 31)
 { printf("IPsec tunnel"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 32)
 { printf("Infiniband"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 33)
 { printf("CAI, TIA-102 Project 25 Common Air Interface"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 34)
 { printf("Wiegand Interface"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 35)
 { printf("Pure IP"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 36)
 { printf("HW_EXP1"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host > 36 && HardwareType_Host <256)
 { printf("Unknown"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 256)
 { printf("HW_EXP2"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host > 256 && HardwareType_Host <65535)
 { printf("Unknown"); }
 else if(HardwareType_Host == 65535)
 { printf("Reserved"); }
 printf(" (0x%X)", HardwareType_Host);
 // print hardware type - end

 // print protocol type - start
 printf(", ");
 printf("Protocol: ");
 if(ProtocolType_Host == 0x0800)  // 0x0800 - IP
 { printf("IP "); }
 printf(" (0x%X)", ProtocolType_Host);
 // print protocol type - end

 // print opcode type - start
 printf(", ");
 printf("Opcode: ");
 if(Opcode_Host == 0)
 { printf("Reserved"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 1)
 { printf("Request"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 2)
 { printf("Reply"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 3)
 { printf("Request Reverse"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 4)
 { printf("Reply Reverse"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 5)
 { printf("DRARP Request"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 6)
 { printf("DRARP Reply"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 7)
 { printf("DRARP Error"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 8)
 { printf("InARP Request"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 9)
 { printf("InARP Reply"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 10)
 { printf("ARP NAK"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 11)
 { printf("MARS Request"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 12)
 { printf("MARS Multi"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 13)
 { printf("MARS MServ"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 14)
 { printf("MARS Join"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 15)
 { printf("MARS Leave"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 16)
 { printf("MARS NAK"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 17)
 { printf("MARS Unserv"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 18)
 { printf("MARS SJoin"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 19)
 { printf("MARS SLeave"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 20)
 { printf("MARS Grouplist Reply"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 21)
 { printf("MARS Grouplist Reply"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 22)
 { printf("MARS Redirect Map"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 23)
 { printf("MAPOS UNARP"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 24)
 { printf("OP_EXP1"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 25)
 { printf("OP_EXP2"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host > 25 && Opcode_Host < 65535)
 { printf("Unknown"); }
 else if(Opcode_Host == 65535)
 { printf("Unknown"); }
 printf(" (0x%X)", Opcode_Host);
 // print opcode type - end


 // print hardware address length and protocol address length - start
 printf("Hardware address length: %u, Protocol address length: %u", HardwareAddressLength_Host, ProtocolAddressLength_Host);
 // print hardware address length and protocol address length - end


 // print hardware vendor name - start

 // 000000, 000001, 000002, 000003, 000004, 000005, 000006, 000007, 000008, 000009 - XEROX CORPORATION.
 // 00000C - CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.
 // 0002B3 - Intel Corporation.
 // 0001E6 - Hewlett-Packard Company.
 // 000255 - IBM Corporation
 // 00065B - Dell Computer Corp.
 // 000102 - 3COM CORPORATION
 // 00178D - Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
 // 000585 - Juniper Networks, Inc. 
 //000569, 000C29, 001C14, 005056 - VMWare Inc.

 char *MAC_IDs[23] = {"000000", "000001", "000002", "000003", "000004", "000005", "000006", "000007", "000008", "000009", "00000C", "00001A", "0002B3", "0001E6", "000255", "00065B", "000102", "00178D", "000585", "000569", "000C29", "001C14", "005056"};

 char *MAC_Vendors[23] = {"XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "XEROX CORPORATION", "CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.", "ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES", "Intel Corporation.", "Hewlett-Packard Company.", "IBM Corporation", "Dell Computer Corp.", "3COM CORPORATION", "Checkpoint Systems, Inc.", "Juniper Networks, Inc.", "VMWare Inc.", "VMWare Inc.", "VMWare Inc.", "VMWare Inc."};
 char *MACID;

 MACID = (char *)malloc(6);
 sprintf(MACID, "%02X%02X%02X", ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[0], ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[1], ARPHeader->SourceHardwareAddress[2]);

 printf("Source Ethernet Vendor: ");
 ts = 0;
 for(j = 0; j < 23; j++)
  if(strncmp(MAC_IDs[j], MACID, 6) == 0)
   printf("%s\n", MAC_Vendors[j]);
   ts = 1;
 if(ts == 0)
  printf("Unknown. oui id: %s. Refer http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt\n", MACID);
 // print hardware vendor name - end

 // print ARP header - 28 bytes - end


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