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DD-WRT (httpd service) Remote Command Execution Vulnerability
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:gat3way 发布时间:2009-07-21  

This is a remote root vulnerability in DD-WRT's httpd server. The bug exists
at the latest 24 sp1 version of the firmware.

 The problem is due to many bugs and bad software design decisions. Here is
part of httpd.c:

859          if (containsstring(file, "cgi-bin")) {
861                  auth_fail = 0;
862                  if (!do_auth
863                      (conn_fp, auth_userid, auth_passwd, auth_realm,
864                       authorization, auth_check))
865                          auth_fail = 1;

......... (snip)............

900                  }
901                  exec = fopen("/tmp/exec.tmp", "wb");
902                  fprintf(exec, "export REQUEST_METHOD=\"%s\"\n", method);
903                  if (query)
904                          fprintf(exec, "/bin/sh %s/%s</tmp/exec.query\n",
905                                  server_dir != NULL ?
server_dir : "/www",file);
906                  else
907                          fprintf(exec, "/%s/%s\n",
908                                  server_dir != NULL ? server_dir : "/www",
909                  fclose(exec);
911                  if (query) {
912                          exec = fopen("/tmp/exec.query", "wb");
913                          fprintf(exec, "%s\n", query);

Two issues there:
1) No metacharacters handling
2) Command gets executed even without successful authentication.
You are not going to see any output if not authenticated though.

914                          free(query);
915                          fclose(exec);
916                  }
918                  system2("chmod 700 /tmp/exec.tmp");
919                  system2("/tmp/exec.tmp>/tmp/shellout.asp");

........... (snip)..........

926                  if (auth_fail == 1) {
927                          send_authenticate(auth_realm);
928                          auth_fail = 0;


3) issue 3: httpd runs as root  :)


Now let's sum up (1), (2) and (3). Any unauthenticated attacker that can
connect to the management web interface can get easily root on the device via
his browser with an URL like:


There is a catch though: whitespaces break it. Anyway, they can be easily
replaced with shell variable like $IFS. So, getting root shell at 5555/tcp
becomes as easy as typing this in your browser's url bar:


Voila (pretty old-school, eheh). Here is some (poor) video demonstrating the

Fortunately, httpd by default does not listen on the outbound interface.
However, this vulnerability can be exploited via a CSRF attack (the dd-wrt
device's owner does not even need to have an authenticated session on the web
UI which is bad, bad). However, a base authentication dialog will appear. In
IE even this can be supressed, see this one:


Unlike the already documented CSRF vulnerability (
http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/32703 ) this DOES NOT need an authenticated
session. This means someone can even post some crafted [img] link on a forum
and a dd-wrt router owner visiting the forum will get owned  :)

A weird vulnerability you're unlikely to see in 2009  :)  Quite embarrassing I
would say  :)

Thanks krassyo at krassyo.info for his support  :) 

Leka vecher  :)

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