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Netgear DG632 Router Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-06-17  
Product Name: Netgear DG632 Router
Vendor: http://www.netgear.com
Date: 15 June, 2009
Author: tom@tomneaves.co.uk < tom@tomneaves.co.uk >
Original URL: http://www.tomneaves.co.uk/Netgear_DG632_Authentication_Bypass.txt
Discovered: 18 November, 2006
Disclosed: 15 June, 2009


The Netgear DG632 router has a web interface which runs on port 80. 
This allows an admin to login and administer the device's settings. 
Authentication of this web interface is handled by a script called
"webcm" residing in "/cgi-bin/" which redirects to the relevant pages
depending on successful user authentication. Vulnerabilities in this
interface enable an attacker to access files and data without


The "webcm" script handles user authentication and attempts to load
"indextop.htm" (via javascript below).  The "indextop.htm" page requires
authentication (HTTP Basic Authorization).


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function loadnext() {
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="loadnext()" >

Loading file ...
<form method="POST" action="../cgi-bin/webcm" id="uiPostForm">
<input type="hidden" name="nextpage" value="../html/indextop.htm" id="uiGetNext">


If a valid password to the default "admin" user is supplied, the script
then continues to load the "indextop.htm" page and continues to load the
other frames based on a hidden field.  If user authentication is
unsuccessful, the user is returned back to "../cgi-bin/webcm".  It is
possible to bypass the "webcm" script and access specific files directly
without the need for authentication.

Normal use:

This would ask for the user to authenticate and would refuse access to
this file if authentication details were not known.  All the script is
doing is making sure authentication is forced upon the user.  The same
"stattbl.htm" file can be accessed without having to provide any
authentication using the following URL:


Another example:  
(returns 401 - Forbidden)

Bypassing the "webcm" script:
(returns 200 - OK)

In the example above (modemmenu.htm), the full source can be viewed
which discloses further directories and files within the javascript of
the page. A sample of files disclosed within modemmenu.htm and available
to download are:

/html/utility.js (full source)

There are many other files that are accessible by calling them directly
instead of going via the "webcm" script, the above are just a sample. In
addition, it is possible to specify paths to the "webcm" script as shown


This allows an attacker to enumerate what files and directories exist
within the www root directory and beyond by using 200, 403 and 404
errors as a guide.

Affected Versions: Firmware V3.4.0_ap (others unknown)


12 June, 2009 - Contacted vendor.
15 June, 2009 - Vendor responded.  Stated the DG632 is an end of life
product and is no longer supported in a production and development
sense, as such, there will be no further firmware releases to resolve
this issue.


Discovered by Tom Neaves

# [2009-06-15]

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